There are moments in life that hit you or the people you love and there simply are no words. No words that will explain it, make it better or justify what has happened.
The first week in September is suicide prevention week in the U.S. This week is so important for numerous reasons, but it is especially close to my heart. Suicide has closely affected in my life through the deaths of my family members and friends and the attempts of others I love.
There were no words.
It’s not something that can be easily explained or gone through. Of the mountains in my life to climb, it has been one of the biggest. Even writing this has taken me days because there are no words.
The pain in this world can often be too much. It drives even the happiest people to addiction, depression and suicide. This is a reality many have had to learn and go through.
The hashtag #IKeptLiving has been trending on Twitter for a few days and I can’t express how important it is. People expressed why they chose to keep living and their tweets moved me to tears.
If you’re struggling, please find someone you can talk to or someone who can help.
Please keep living.
Keep living because you are loved.
Keep living because the world needs people like you, who acknowledge the pain in the world and feel it so deeply.
Keep living because you are unique.
Keep living because you are hope.
Keep living so others can.
Keep living.