If you're anything like me, or any typical college student, you absolutely despise having to take an 8AM class. We spend countless hours analyzing our schedule trying to avoid having to set our alarm for anytime earlier than 9AM. But sometimes, we have to suck it up and take a dreaded 8AM and sacrifice our beauty sleep for our degree. You'll get through it, just keep these tips in mind:
1. For the sake of the people, please, don't be loud. We're all tired.
2. Be a friend, stop for Starbucks. And grab me a tall dark roast please and thank you.
3. It's okay to be late... just don't do it every day. Don't be that guy.
4. I know what you're thinking. You're walking into class with the question, "why did I take this, why did I take this" but let's think about the positives: we've already started our day. Let's make it a productive one.
5. Try not to lose your mind when the professor yells at the class after waiting too long for someone to answer the question.
6. It is socially acceptable to look like you just got dragged out of a dumpster at an 8AM class.
7. Lastly, if you're not emotionally prepared for an 8AM, don't take an 8AM. Trust me.
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