We're the generation obsessed with a lot of new things, but most importantly and unfortunate, the generation who cannot manage to be themselves. We like to think we are, we like to think those negative people and influences that we spend our time around are not changing who we are, but in reality, they're slowly turning us into people we are not.
What are we doing to ourselves to let these people change the goodness we have in us? We are letting these groups of friends or even a single friend make us believe that they ideas we once had about life are no longer worth it, replacing them with ideas that disrupt our outlook on love, life and happiness. You see, these negative people you surround yourself with don't just get you into trouble like your parents might have drilled into your head when you were growing up. These people become toxic and change you into exactly who they are.
And you might think you can change someone or change yourself, but you have to recognize the damage these people have caused in your life and be willing to change. And you should. You were once your own person before with all your positive beliefs about life that you never planned on destroying, and while it may be hard to rid yourself of these toxic people in your life, it is possible.
But these people make you feel wanted and accepted for the time being right? Toxic people have a way of conditioning you to think that you need them to be accepted, but I'm telling you, you do not, it is similar to the same aspect of getting that five minutes of fame feeling. Why should you allow yourself to be accepted by these types of people for only a while, when you could be accepted by people that are going to motivate you to become a better version of yourself.
We need to put ourselves first for once and strive for what is going to make us happy long term, not just for the moment. Having the mindset of "living in the moment" is not an excuse to forget about our future and what and who we need to surround ourselves with to get there. These people destroying the person you once were will unfortunately not get you there. You are so much better than the person they are making you become.