Sometimes things happen in life -- seemingly for no apparent reason -- that will stop us dead in our tracks and threaten to break us. These things are arguably inescapable and sometimes happen completely at random. Break-ups, car wrecks or even just a build up of little things that eventually just become too much. Bad things that happen to us don't happen for bad reasons or because we're bad people. Tragedies, inconveniences, bad news -- they can all feel insurmountable and make us feel like we have to stop, we can't keep going, we can't possibly go through it. I'm here to tell you that you can.
I can speak from experience and say that you may think that the rocks being thrown at you feel much too large to dodge. Dodge if you can; take the hit if you can't. But do not let the hit stop you. This, of course, is much easier said than done. If you slow down, you are vulnerable to become subject to falling into a slump. Slumps are sneaky, and you may not notice that you're in one until you have too much to take care of and not enough time. A
Don't get me wrong. Feeling bad is OK. It's OK to be upset. It's OK to pause, just make sure
Here is a wellness and self-care haiku because, when in doubt, write a poem:
Life will get tricky.
Uplift and care for yourself.
Remember to breathe.
Positivity is hard, but positivity is key. It will be your armor in the fight against all the nasty things life can (and will) throw at you. And always remember to keep going.