Holy sophomore slump. This. Is. Beyond. Real.
So you go into sophomore year, right, and it's more exciting because you get to take classes more related to your major (wait, no, you're going to change it again). Plus you get to choose who you're living with, most luckily off campus in some apartment that starts off really cute then just becomes the grounds of the strangest memories you will ever make. With this you're even more independent than you were in a dorm and actually have to grocery shop to stay alive. Oh that's hard? No it's so easy because every waking dollar you have goes to food. Food of any kind because the grocery store and restaurants within walking distance are your new haven. But walking distance is actually no longer a thing for class. That makes motivation go down a whole lot, especially if the bus schedule runs two minutes faster than you expect it to.
Being the second year of college though, you have a little experience; you're a weathered student that knows what not to do but still falls into the temptations to do so anyways. Already, you're reminiscent of freshman year when you were so naive and everything was a first.
Not only do you already want to go back to being a little freshman, you have even more pressure when it comes to the question, "What do you want to do with your life?" Oh no, not this again. Yes, the looming full adult life is yet another year closer and every decision you make now affects that. Because yes you're a sophomore, but next year you'll be a junior and that comes with a whole lot more.
As odd and stressful as it is to be a sophomore, it is still an entertaining time because you're still finding yourself even though your friends, at this point, know far too much about you. Weird is the most general word I can think of to encompass all that it means to be growing as a student, person, and adult all at once. From what I've experienced and what is surely to come, I will have some of my best stories from this year, and plenty I'll be happy to forget.
But the slump is real. You thought you got tired as a freshman, but no, this is a new level. The other thing about taking classes for your major (what is it again?) is that all the teachers like the same schedules so three tests in a week is fair game. Living a life of a freshman with the workload of a sophomore is the kind of all-nighter I've become too familiar with.
We're almost there, folks. As intimidating as junior year is, literally I'd take anything over the shambles that made up sophomore year. Somehow, we've made it this far, made it work for both semesters and now just have to finish out the rest as semi-strong as we can.
Adios sophomore year, see you never.