It's that point in the semester when summer seems so close, yet so far away. The vision of summer is submerged underneath the three exams, five papers and two presentations that are standing between you and sun-kissed skin. The idea of studying for all the upcoming tests and completing all of those dreadful papers makes you reconsider why you decided to come to college in the first place. But keep calm, summer is coming and you'll come out alive.
Here's the thing: Finals week is not going to be easy. But do you know what is? Laying on the beach listening to the waves crash against the shore.
Here are some things you can do to keep motivated throughout the stressful week of finals.
1. Stay focused.
Make an agenda for all that you need to do and do it. No procrastination! Easier said than done, right?
2. Stay healthy.
Make good eating choices and go get your exercise on. Nothing feels better than a healthy body. Plus, you're going to need the energy when you're staying up until 3 a.m. completing assignments or studying. P.S. When you feel good, you look good.
3. Schedule time for a nap.
Now, every college student knows, "A nap a day keeps the college student from going 'cray." You're going to need that energy boost everyday. Keep it short, perhaps half an hour will do. Or maybe a two hours? Whatever floats your boat, my friend.
4. Make a countdown.
There is nothing better than looking at a count down and seeing there are only six days until the semester is over. This may help keep you a little sane between now and the last day. Also, make countdowns for all the exciting events you have this summer. Beach in 31 days. Concert in 73. It will add a bit more excitement to your stressful week when you remember how exciting your summer will be.
5. Make memories.
How can you make memories during final week? Go get ice cream. Go see a movie. Hang out with friends. Laugh. Cry. Years from now I'm sure we will all look back laughing about how chaotic our lives were during college.
Just think. Very, very soon, you'll be at the end of the semester and stress free. Your only worry in the world, as the Zac Brown Band would say, is going to be if the tide's going to reach your chair. Keep in mind all the wonderful experiences that are going to come your way this summer, and how many memories you're going to make with both old and new friends. Think about the campfires under the stars, the days spent out on the lake, the vacations to the beach and the positive, warm vibes around you. Stay focused, motivated, and positive!
Here's to finals week and Summer 2016.
Keep Calm: Summer is coming