I can't take away your final exams or tell you they will be easy (I surely hope so), but I can give you a few tips on how to prepare for finals in a calm, yet productive way
1. Divide and conquer.
Taking five classes and having five finals is no bueno. Don't fret. Divide and conquer. Sit down and prioritize. Which exam is first, or which one will be more time consuming and requires more time to review. Becoming aware of these little things can help you spend more time on the information you are not so confident about. By breaking up the workload, you feel at ease as well as your brain.
2. Call in an expert.
Don't feel ready for an exam? That's okay. Email or reach out to your professor or even a friend. First and foremost, your professor is being paid to teach you. Therefore, you should use all of the time given to get help and ask questions. Teachers love when students show interest. I mean come on, they are making and scoring these exams people. If you need extra help, holler for a friend. Chances are a friend in the class is struggling just as you are. It is okay to ask for help and feel not so confident. We all have been there. Use your resources!
3. Eat!
Sometimes when we spend hours studying, we forget to fuel our brain power… FOOD! We cannot forget to eat and drink when spending hours in the library or study room. While you are going over material in your head, your brain needs food to operate. Do you really want to be that person with the gargling stomach in a quiet study room? Remember to eat. When I say eat, I mean nutritious meals. DO NOT load up on red bull and only energizer drinks. YOU NEED PROTEIN AND FOOD. In order for your body to retain the knowledge, you need to have healthy fuel such as protein, veggies, whole grains, and fruit. EAT, EAT, EAT (in moderation, of course).
4. Drink!
Chances are you will want some water with all that food you just ate. Drink up baby. What I find helpful is carrying around a reusable water bottle. This reminds you to drink throughout the day and it stays cold! Water is so good for our bodies. Not only does it hydrate us, but it washes out the toxins and salt in the foods we eat. Drink up!
5. Exercise!
Get those endorphins pumping. Whether it be a light workout like a walk or a quick run, anything will help you break a quick sweat in between a study session. Working out helps you clear your mind and pump your body up. Sure, you may hate going to exercise, but chances are you will feel fantastic afterward. Throw on some sneakers and get to it! Get a killer body while studying for finals? Count me in. December break body ready.
6. Meditate!
Sitting in silence or listening to an empowering meditation can really help your mind during finals time. We often forget that sitting in silence and doing nothing helps us take a break for our busy lives and forces us to relax. Sometimes sitting with just your thoughts will help you relax. In order to retain any information from studying, our brains need some time that requires little to no effort. Turn on some music or sit in silence.
7. Sleep!
Moving forward, sleep is so so so important. In order for our bodies to recharge, we need a good night sleep. If you want your brain to be alert and able to remember the knowledge you are putting into your head, you need to get sleep. No all-nighters. No naps. Six hours-plus sleeping!
8. Take those breaks!
BREAKS ARE IMPORTANT! Go on your phone. Hang out with friends. DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE TO DO. Sure, studying is important, but if you constantly shove information into your head you will not get anywhere. You need to find a balance. Do things that make you happy and get your work done. Give time to each. If you make studying sound negative or a chore you will not want to do it. Study with friends or see friends in between study sessions. Everyone is going through finals, so getting a break will help immensely.
9. Make a study schedule!
Taking 12, 15, and 18 credit hours requires a lot of time management. In order to keep up with all your classes, you must stay organized. If you create a schedule you can easily prioritize what needs to get done and when. From personal experience, I feel more at ease preparing and planning before an exam with a schedule. I do not feel as overwhelmed or pressured with my time.
10. Be positive!
This one seems easy, but it is the hardest. Always remain positive. Even when you feel like you want to pull your hair out and scream. Finals time is a stressful week for everyone. If you think negative thoughts, you are setting yourself up for failure. Believe in yourself and think about winter break. Once exams are over its eat, sleep, vacation, and repeat!