Here are just a couple of reasons why I will not be voting for Donald Trump this November.
1. He's a man without a plan.
When running for President, most candidates spend a lot of time creating specific plans they wish to enact in office. But not Donald Trump. If you take a look at Hillary Clinton's website, you can find a list of 37 different issues that she has identified. Each issue has a link where you will find specific facts and figures detailing her plans to remedy it. The only comparison I could find on Trump's website is his "positions" page where it essentially lays out seven of his opinions. However, his solutions are few and vague. Voting for him is a shot in the dark. He isn't too worried about his lack of a plan though, since he has stated that his "voters don't care" about the lack of policy specifics. And maybe this is true, but you should care! Running for political office isn't about who is more entertaining or who is more refreshing. It is about our national security, our economy, our safety, and our daily lives.
2. His proposed economic reform would result in a "lengthy recession" according to Moody's Analytics.
Trump's economic policy is a disastrous prospect. According to Moody's Analytics, his proposed economic plan would not only result in a long recession but it would increase the unemployment rate from below 5 percent to 7 percent. If Trump follows through with his proposed economic reform, Americans can say goodbye to 3.5 million jobs. Clinton's economic plan is expected to create 3.2 million jobs. The name Trump may seem synonymous with economic prosperity, but don't let that fool you into thinking he is qualified to run this country.
Moody's Analytics is an independent research group. If you question whether their analysis may be skewed, please take a look at their findings.
3. He is a scam.
Former Mayor Mike Bloomberg bashed Trump saying, "He wants to run the nation like he's run his business. God help us." He has left a trail of bankruptcies, unnecessary lawsuits, and unpaid bills. USA Today reported on the case of Edward Friel, a small business owner, who was paid only part of what was originally promised by Trump. Trump told Friel he could either be satisfied with what he was paid, or sue Trump's company (the cost of such a lawsuit would be astronomical). A USA Today Network Analyst discovered there are thousands of other similar claims from small businesses around the nation chronicling Trump's deceit.
He's not an honest businessman. What makes you think he will be an honest president? And let us not forget that he has many business interests of his own to keep in the back of his mind while sitting in the oval office. As of right now, it is unclear whether he will really relinquish control of his companies should he win in November.
4. He isn't going to build a wall.
And if he does, you are paying for it. I have heard plenty of Trump supporters enthusiastically repeat the phrase "build a wall." For those who wish to see this type of immigration reform, know that his plan is not feasible. One of his plans to make Mexico pay is to use the PATRIOT Act, the anti-terrorism legislation, to prevent illegal immigrants from wiring money back to Mexico through American banks. This would be unsuccessful leverage considering there are plenty of other ways, including sending cash or using online instruments, for the immigrants to send their money. He wants to use this "leverage" to blackmail the Mexican government into paying $5-10 billion for building his beloved wall (which the Washington Post estimates to cost $25 billion). And, Mexico will say no. In fact, they've already said no. The current President of Mexico has stated there is "no scenario" under which Mexico will pay for the wall.
So that is $25 billion from American pockets. And to what end? Mexican immigration has declined. Pew Research has found that there are more Mexicans exiting the country than there are entering. It's also pretty impossible to engineer this wall for countless reasons. I could go on for hours on why this entire idea is nonsense, but I believe Roque Planas with the Huffington Post does a better job.
5. He wants you to be afraid. Be very afraid.
Donald Trump is a fear monger. He plays at the insecurities and worries of the American people. Make America Great Again? What is this "again" that Trump speaks of? The good old segregated times of yore? The time in our history where Japanese Americans were interred? Or how about the 144 years that women remained without the vote? I don't see the appeal in going backwards. Of course there are things that need to be fixed in our country, but to say that we are a "divided crime scene" is just his language of fear. He has the audacity to claim he knows "more about ISIS than the generals do." Does anyone buy that? Not to mention his claim that "I alone can fix this." Really, Donald? The last time I checked America is a Democracy with a series of checks and balances that ensures there is no "I alone" in our country's political system. As Obama stated at the DNC "we do not look to be ruled." Don't give into his rhetoric of hate and fear. The problems we face in this country will only be solved when our smart, capable and experienced leaders work together. Who took down Osama Bin Laden? Assuredly not just one person.
6. “His comments … should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.” - Texas Governor Rick Perry
Many in this country have subscribed to this war against political correctness. People like how Donald Trump says whatever he wants without regard for consequences. What happens when his uninhibited speech leads to tension with foreign countries or stirs even more internal violence? Although I should point out, the damage is already done. Foreign countries have already denounced Trump. Earlier this year members of the British parliament held a debate on whether to counter Trump's proposed Muslim ban with banning Trump from entering the UK. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Paul Flynn, a member of British Parliament, said on Trump, "There are few politicians that have been so obviously reckless in modern times; there were people like that before the last war, of course.”
When it comes to politics, correctness is the only acceptable format. We need a leader who represents all different Americans; not one that polarizes large parts of the population with hateful speech. The presidency is the office in this country that holds the greatest power in uniting citizens. We should strive for unity, not elect someone who thrives on divisiveness.
7. He doesn't respect Americans.
Time and time again this man disrespects the citizens of our country. He criticizes war heroes like John McCain, saying, "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." But don't forget that Donald Trump successfully evaded the draft while so many young American men died fighting in Vietnam. He attacked the father of a Muslim soldier, one who died while saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. At a recent rally last Tuesday, he mocked a mother whose baby began to cry during his speech. He mentioned the size of his penis during a televised Republican debate. He has left a trail of unnecessary lawsuits and unpaid bills, essentially robbing American businesses. Why cast your vote for a man whose actions have continuously demeaned your fellow citizens and our country?
8. Dear Republicans, a Trump presidency will sabotage the future of your party.
When I think about the Republican party, I always remember what I learned in my high school government class. I learned the Republican party is fiscally and socially conservative. That it values smaller central government, and more emphasis on state and local governments. The Republican party has always had the reputation of deep patriotism and love for this country. Ronald Reagan called America a "shining city on the hill." Trump's rhetoric is vastly different. He has no real plan, so it's unclear how he feels about the size of government. He constantly bashes the state of our country, when in reality this country is doing better than it has been in decades. He doesn't show a deep patriotism for America. His convention was a dark and almost dystopian array of fear mongering. He is continually disrespectful to veterans, something that is cringe-worthy to many republicans. He is painting the Republican party as racist, misogynist, islamaphobic, and xenophobic. His digression from the roots of the Republican party could affect the Senate and House majority, as well as future presidential elections. A vote for Trump is a vote against the future of the Republican party.
What does Trump want? He wants the populist vote. He wants to entertain us, entice us, and excite us with his brashness. But ultimately, America, he will take advantage of us.
This election is trying, but please know who you are voting for.
For some, this presidential election has come down to the lesser of two evils. There are of course libertarian options that many have flocked to. I encourage those who are interested in an alternative option to watch the Libertarian Presidential Town Hall which aired on CNN August 3. There is plenty more to be said regarding why Donald Trump is the worst choice you could make. But I leave you with a quote from President Obama "It doesn’t matter to [Trump] that illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they’ve been in decades, because he’s not offering any real solutions to those issues. He’s just offering slogans, and he’s offering fear. He’s betting that if he scares enough people, he might score just enough votes to win this election."