Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and eat cake. Keep calm and take a nap. Keep calm and (fill in the blank). We all have our own way to keep calm and carry on, throughout our days everyone has a story, a situation, and factors that play into how someone reacts to stress in their lives. A prime example for me, is if I have a test to study for but, on top of that, my blood sugar is low, and on top of that, I had a bad day at work or school, my stress levels are pretty high. I get tired and I just want to go home and go to bed.
Over these past couple months as graduation gets closer and closer, I realize that I have the ability to change my brain on how I react to stress and how I handle different situations. If I am unhappy, I can change my thoughts to make myself happy. If I am nervous, I just change the word to excited and it's a whole different ball game. There are many small strategies someone can do to make their "keep calm and carry on" different in order to stay happy, stay healthy, and stayfearless of what life throws at you. Throughout my experiences, and I'm sure those of you reading this have your own experiences, these are the strategies I've learned to truly help me keep calm and carry on.
1. Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground.
This comes from a much longer quote, and my grandma gave me a canvas with this quote on it, but this certain sentence rings true. Keep your head in the clouds means to me, keep your dreams alive, keep striving for your dreams and reach for the sky. Keeping your feet on the ground makes you centered and in order to fulfill those dreams you have to keep both aspects. Without your feet on the ground you would float up into the abyss of the unknown.
2. Keep a dream journal.
If you are anything like me, which I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, I keep a dream journal. Usually my thoughts are all over the place during the day but at night time I have such vivid dreams-- dreams that actually do tell me things I need to confront in real life. Your dreams can show a lot of different things about your waking life that you may not even realize. I find it best to keep the notes on my phone as soon as I wake up and transfer my dreams to a notebook.
3. Try to eat healthy and drink water throughout the day.
Duh Emily! I know I know, but it's true. Whenever we're busy (as most college students are) we forget about the simple nutrients we need in order to keep our mind, body, and soul in functioning order. More water means more using the restroom, but hey it's a small price to pay for how much it benefits your well-being.
4. Make a to-do list either weekly or daily.
I have to do this or else I will get nothing accomplished. Literally. I have to write my goals for the day down even if it's something simple like brush my teeth, do laundry, take a nap, etc. It sounds ridiculous but the gratification of crossing off stuff on a to-do list makes me feel empowered and ready to handle what life throws at me.
5. Try doing something that makes you nervous.
This one can be tricky. We are all creatures of habit and that's why when we get into a routine we like to stay in our comfort zone. After awhile when I stay in my comfort zone I realize something needs to change. I used to make myself run different routes on my daily run in order to get my brain thinking and working while running. Even if it's something little like saying hi to someone new, those steps to getting out of your comfort zone will help you in so many ways.
6. Compliment someone.
Don't be creepy obviously. But people love compliments. Think about when someone has ever told you that you look beautiful today or your soul is radiating! It makes you feel great, and it's totally free. Try it out.
7. Call an old friend or a family member you haven't spoken to in awhile.
We get so busy throughout our day to actually call someone. Usually we text our friends, but instead, take the time to call them and catch up on their day and their life-- it will make them feel good as well as making you feel good.