Where Will Kevin Durant End Up?
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Where Will Kevin Durant End Up?

What's the next move for the Thunder superstar?

Where Will Kevin Durant End Up?

Over the past week, the narrative has changed so much. From staying to going. From championship to bust. From upset to choking. It has been back and forth for a while now and Kevin Durant is at the center of it all. About a week ago, the Thunder were up 3-1 in a playoff series against the 73-9 Golden State Warriors, on the brink of pulling off one of the craziest upsets in NBA Playoff History. They had already knocked off the 67 win San Antonio Spurs and things were looking up for Oklahoma City and their fans. Every sports outlet and analyst were convinced that one more win would keep Kevin Durant with the Thunder and knock down any notion of him leaving in the off-season as a free agent. Everyone was convinced that they were going to beat the Warriors. Most were already talking about the disappointment it would be if the Warriors were unable to win after going 73-9 and how it would affect their legacy. And then, it all changed. The Warriors took Game 5 at home, but were only a few minutes away from defeat in Game 6 on the road when the Thunder collapsed in the fourth quarter, losing a 13 point lead to give the Warriors Game 6 and then lost a 13 point lead again in Game 7 to give the Warriors the series. All of a sudden, the comments changed. The Thunder choked and now Kevin Durant is on his way out. Everyone convinced he is leaving the Thunder, teams have emerged as front runners to land the lanky small forward. But nothing is for sure, and with that said, here is a list of four places I think Kevin Durant could end up next year.

Oklahoma City Thunder

I think it is only reasonable to start here, where he is right now. Now, I believe the thing that keeps the Thunder in this race is the fact that they had a good season this year and the fact that it is likely that Durant only signs a one year contract with whoever he signs with because the collective bargaining agreement makes it so Durant can make much more money after next season rather than if he were to sign a long-term deal this season. Also, Durant would still have Westbrook for another year. They would be able to make another run before both of their contracts are up and that gives Oklahoma City another year to build the team up. I think this is a good option for Durant because if it doesn't pan out, then he can leave the year after anyway.

Boston Celtics

If Durant is going to leave, I would love to see him go here. The Celtics team is one talented small forward away from making a big run at the Eastern Conference Championship and maybe even the NBA title. Durant's people have already talked to the Celtics briefly because there is interest there and with three first rounders in the draft this year, including the third overall, this is the year for the Celtics. He would be a great fit there, as well as the star, something he doesn't get with the Thunder. I think the Celtics are the best fit for him because it moves him to a less competitive East and gives him a competitive team to compete with LeBron and the Cavaliers in the Conference. This is probably his best place to win a championship soon.

Washington Wizards

The Wizards make sense because it is where he is from. It is something all NBA players like to do, move home. They like to play in front of thousands from their hometown or state and love to go back to a place they are familiar with. It would be a good fit for him because he has a tremendous passing point guard in John Wall and team that is in desperate need of another star. The problem with Washington is that they did not perform well this year, even with the young talent they have and while the talent in the East is weak and a move to Washington could make the Wizards contenders again, I do not think the team is built well enough to beat the Cavs and that is something that may turn Durant away in the end.

Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers are an interesting place for Durant because of the big market, the history, and his love for the city. He has been known to really enjoy LA and a big market gets him the exposure he deserves after so many exceptional years. Like the Celtics, the Lakers own a top 3 pick and really are in need of a superstar. The Lakers just lost their superstar in Kobe Bryant and are in dying need of someone who can put them back at the top of the Western Conference. There is definitely talent on that team and after not spending too much over the past few years, the Lakers are due for a high spending off-season. The move makes sense for both sides and would be certainly intriguing for Durant to be the next face of the Lakers. The problem with this move is, in the first year, he might have a better chance with OKC and still being in the Western Conference leaves a tough, daunting road to the Conference Finals, never mind the NBA Finals.

In the end, this is all speculation and none of us know what his decision will be. These are simply the teams that I think he would fit well with and that have shown interest in him. For all we know, he could end up with the Knicks or the Bulls or somebody else, but that is the beauty of free agency. With so much speculation, so much uncertainty, the process only becomes that much more interesting.

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