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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Kayla Resler

You may think you know me, lets find out.

Kayla Resler
Kayla Resler

There are a lot of things about me that most people don't know. Here is a list of the top ten interesting facts about me.

1. Pets Galore

Current Guinea Pig Leonard

Kayla Resler

In my life, I have had a grand total of thirteen pets. I have had two fish, three guinea pigs, one hamster, two cats, and five dogs. Not all at the same time of course, otherwise, my house would be a zoo.

2. Allergies Are A B****

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My favorite side to order at a restaurant is onion rings. So imagine my horror when I found out that the reason I kept getting so sick was because I am allergic to onions. I have gone almost two years without eating a single onion ring and I feel so strong for holding out.

3. Relationship Woes


I have never been in a relationship. Never had a boyfriend. Never been kissed. I have always wanted to focus on my education and my future. That still rings true today but it's just something not a lot of people know.

Plus boys have cooties ;)

4. Vampire or Werewolf


If I had to choose between being turned into a vampire or a werewolf I would choose vampire. I would be able to live and watch civilization grow and change, I could travel, I would save up so much money that I wouldn't have to worry about it in a few years, I could follow multiple dreams and turn my family so they don't die on me. It's a win-win.

5. Most-Wanted Super Power


If I could have any super power I would want to have a variation of Blink from X-Men. I would want to be able to open a portal to any fictional world of my choosing and be able to immerse myself into the story. I would have my fun but be home in time for dinner.

6. If I Could Be Any Animal


A wolf. I love wolves. They are pack animals and are very close to their family, much like me. If it came down to it wolves would do anything for their pack, just like I would do anything for anyone I consider family.

7. Supernatural Beliefs


I 100% believe in ghosts. They scare the bejeezus out of me and I never ever want to run into one. Ever. I can't watch any scary movie that involves a ghost because I won't be able to sleep for a month.

8. Favorite Mystery

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My favorite mystery would have to be who Jack the Ripper was. I find things like that fascinating, some of my favorite shows are crime dramas. I love doing research on his crimes and looking at all the information people have compiled over the years as they try to find out who he was.

9. If I Could Meet A Dead Person


If I could bring someone back from the dead just so that I could meet them I think I would choose Freddie Mercury. He is just so amazing and talented and inspiring I wouldn't want to give up the chance to meet him. I could even try and get in contact with the rest of Queen so they can perform for me live. That would be a dream come true.

10. If I Had One Wish

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If I could have one wish come true I would want it to be that everybody gets their happy ending. That everybody is truly happy with their lives and had to wish for nothing.

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