We take things too seriously. Life tells us we have to care about academics, politics, economics etc... We have to live or die by our political affiliations or our favorite sports teams. We cry and scream like children of the middle of the street when Trump is elected and get offended when people laugh, like caring that much about something isn't absolutely hilarious.
"Me Too" has hit full stride with the indictments of Brett Kavanaugh and Urban Meyer, igniting fires in the most passionately bipartisan areas of life; sports and politics. We are taking sides more than ever and, despite what people might say, we love it. As a conservative, I love when Trump says to "grab her by the pussy" because I know it will piss off a lot of people, and now I have a fight on my hands, I have a purpose.
As a liberal, I also love when Trump says to "grab her by the pussy" because, although I am truly, deeply disturbed, I now get to show people how moral and right I am by telling people how amoral and wrong Kavanaugh is.
But as a human being, I choose to die laughing at Kawhii Leonard laughing like an insecure robot at a press conference. That's it. That's all there is to it. I could tell you I love it because it really helps us relate to larger than life personalities, that even they have flaws. If Kawhii Leonard feels awkward speaking in front of people and screws up his own laugh, then what do I have to worry about? Thanks, Kawhii!
I could say that's the reason why, but it's not. Truth is, when I'm with my friends and we're having a stupid, fun time and someone pulls up a video of Basketball superstar Kawhii Leonard laughing like he hasn't heard his own voice in weeks, I cry laughing because the stupidity of it is the beauty of it. It's absurd, and that's all that matters. It takes us away, even if only for a moment, from things we think matter. Kawhii's laugh is our common enemy.
But instead of an enemy, it's literally a blip of an unexplainably absurd thing we can all laugh it. That's it. It's thoroughly unexplainable. There's no debate about whether the dress is blue or black, no debate about it not being one's kind of humor, no not understanding it. He laughs, then I laugh, then we all laugh. Thanks, Kawhi.