Friday morning; I open my phone to find the new Katy Perry single, released sometime in the night. Typically I wouldn't jump to listen to a new song on the rise, but this one was different. The song, "Rise" was chosen by NBC to be the anthem of the 2016 Summer Olympics. So, I quickly clicked played and was absolutely hypnotized. The song, while slow, leaves the listener with misty eyes and goose bumped skin. There are several elements including sound, message, and under lying themes that make you want to hit play over and over again. If you haven't heard it yet, I encourage you reader to listen before continuing:
This song is the first we've heard of Perry since her immensely successful album Prism in 2013, and does not disappoint. The video packed with footage of the athletes leaves even the most un-athletic (like myself) believing they can do it. It reminds me that not only are the successful, but that they are Olympians. They are the ones that say "One more time," and while I write from my desk drinking my coffee are training, sweating, and mentally preparing. Not only are they the strongest, they are the ones who rose above their circumstances, which to me is the heaviest theme behind the track.
Perry herself has gone through several life altering events, and has learned that some times life can be less than kind. And yet, she continues to produce music that inspires people to look inside themselves for strength, to take hold and move past whatever is bringing the listener down.
The opening lines "I won't just survive, oh you will see me thrive," hold incredible power when they are allowed to sink in. There truly is such a distinction between the two words surviving and thriving, although sometimes it seems as if they are interchangeable in today's world. There's more to this world than going through the motions and simply making it through the day. We are to grasp every day, and to turn it into a happiness we created for ourselves, our spirits alive.
In this song, I also see hints of the Olympics as a metaphor for the world. The Olympics are a time in which every nation, race, religion, and orientation can come together to celebrate something glorious. While the world may seem far from united some times, the song calls for a change. Now is the time to come together. Perry eloquently calls her listeners to again, rise above struggles and prejudice to stand as one. Remember, that while there is darkness, there is still always hope.
My favorite line is "Oh, ye of so little faith, don't doubt it, don't doubt it." To me, this speaks to my religious beliefs of a higher power that I can rely on. To a wider audience, this is the importance of believing in yourself. In the video, I believe people connect with the athletes because we as humans all understand struggle. People will tear you down, some will build you up but ultimately it's up to you. You are the one who can take those reverberations when shaken to your core, and use them to fuel your fire to thrive.
So, thank you Katy, for not only a gorgeously somber song, but for the inspiration to strive for greatness.