All The Easter Eggs In Katy Perry’s 'Never Really Over' Music Video | The Odyssey Online
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Katy Perry's 'Never Really Over' Has More Meaning Than Meets The Eyes — Or Ears

The queen of pop is back, giving us a bubblegum pop anthem for healing and finding yourself.

Katy Perry's 'Never Really Over' Has More Meaning Than Meets The Eyes — Or Ears

Katy Perry has come a long way throughout her music career, exploring and creating new forms of arts to show in her music and music videos. After releasing "witness" in 2017 the California Pop singer has come back with a new era that shows "healing, calmness and love." She has been teasing her new upcoming single for about 2 weeks and now we finally have it here.

This bubblegum anthem is all about the process the pop singer had to go through. During her last album/era called "witness" she was attacked by social media users and even fans because of the random haircut she decided to make and the singles that were chosen were not as pleasing as her previous ones.


Katy was heartbroken after a relation she ended with someone that was special and got a matching tattoo with that says “ miss you." She had the “miss" and he had the “you." So she decided to go to a secluded area in search of wellness and be able to move on from that relationship


At the beginning of that journey she started, it is very difficult for her to be there. She was often laying down and thinking of him and how it was hard to let go. The lyrics say so in the lines where she sings “I tell myself 'draw the line' and I do. But once in a while, I trip up and I cross the line.... thinking of you."


But, with the help of everyone that trying to “recover" as well, she found the peace in nature, she started feeling better; even though she was still hurt.


In this scene, it shows how love can hurt you, try to take control over you and not make you think clearly of what you're doing. The people pulling Katy were trying to make her realize that love isn't always good.


A symbolic moment in the video was shown when Katy was trying to water her heart with her own tears. This means that sometimes we have to go through hard times to heal and find peace in ourselves.


“I guess I could try hypnotherapy, I gotta rewire this brain." Hypnotherapy is a type of medicine in which the kind is used to help with a variety of problems, such as breaking bad and old habits. Katy wasn't trying everything to make her feel better.


In this, even everyone together healed and felt free once again. They all went through the same problems and were going through this supporting each other.


The time came, the heart she was taking care of with her own tear was ready to be back in her own body. The whole group got their heart back in a very spiritual ritual.


Leaving that place, Katy sees someone in the white van that is arriving with whom she was in love with. (Notice the matching tattoo). Despite all the efforts she made to heal and find peace in her again she immediately starts running towards him. Because just like she sings it “ it's just never really over."

Katy Perry - Never Really Over (Official)YouTube

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