3. Her clerks are a team of young women. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Kathleen Zellner, Of 'Making A Murderer,' Is The Ultimate Lady Boss

Watching her work in part 2 of the docu-series captivated me.

5 Reasons Kathleen Zellner, Of 'Making A Murderer,' Is The Ultimate Lady Boss
From Netflix's original series "Making a Murderer"

For fans of "Making A Murderer," it's hard to believe that Steven Avery could find representation for his case after his first trial. The docu-series uncovered controversial evidence that had viewers questioning the Wisconsin justice system and Steven Avery's guilty verdict. Accused of killing Teresa Halbach, is serving a lifetime sentence along with his nephew, Brendan Dassey who is eligible for release in 2048. Dassey's false confession ultimately put the State's case together to convict both Dassey and Avery.

After the first season aired on Netflix, word of the case caught global attention, and Kathleen Zellner agreed to take on Steven's post-conviction case. Season two is now available on Netflix, featuring Zellner's amazing work in her effort to prove Steven's innocence. Here are five reasons why I think Kathleen Zellner is the ultimate Lady Boss.

1. Zellner is unafraid of going against the odds.

From Zach Braff's Twitter, as he reacts to season 2 with the rest of us

As a lawyer that specializes in justice for the innocent, post-conviction, Zellner faces the power of the State courts that usually ends up siding with prosecutors. Appealing a case after conviction is a task that must be done with intense will and patience.

2. No stone goes unturned.

Zellner going through every piece of evidence with her team of experts.

"Making a Murderer"

Every detail of Steven's case was tested, corroborated by experts, and tested again. The blood found in Teresa's car, even dismantling Steven's sink to test if it was possible for blood from a cut on his hand to be collected from it. Zellner was able to fish out evidence that was not handed over to the first defense team and find details that were glossed over. Anyone willing to go through every single detail of a high-profile case is a boss.

3. Her clerks are a team of young women.

From Zellner's public Twitter

In the scenes of Zellner meeting with her law clerks, it is instantly noticeable that her team is made up of young women. What better message to send to viewers and other firms that women deserve the same opportunities, and can kick ass while they do it? This subtlety shows her commitment to passing the torch onto the next woman.

4. She is meticulous.


There's no experiment or testing that Zellner didn't think of. She followed through with every single theory, even recreating the events of what Steven says happened the last time he was Teresa Halbach. Any piece of evidence that was collected by police was scrutinized, studied, and ended up telling a different story by the time Zellner was through.

5. She is determined.

From Zellner's public Twitter

After turning in a 1200 page petition for Steven to get a re-trial, spending months going over his case, the judge dismissed it with a mere 6 page response, denying the petition. Zellner said herself, she is not going to give up or let the State discourage her from seeking justice.

Watching Part 2 of "Making A Murderer"had me in awe of the genius, patience, and confidence of Kathleen Zellner. She is the ultimate role model for young women entering a field that is controlled by men. Zellner is well-spoken and competent, showing how she is the best of the best.

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