Mental Health Awareness And The Media | The Odyssey Online
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Mental Health Has Been Making Headlines

"As much as we are making it less taboo to openly talk about mental health, we are still treating it like a trending topic"

Mental Health Has Been Making Headlines
via Pixabay

In the wake of the news of Kate Spade's death, we're seeing a resurgence of tweets, statuses, stories, and segments stressing the importance of mental health awareness and treatment. While I'm glad that Spade's own struggle with mental illness and suicide has become a catalyst for conversation, it is a cycle that I have become all too familiar with.

In recent years, news of celebrities dying by suicide is almost always followed by a hailstorm of calls for change and action. Demand for mental health care reform seems to have a relationship that rises in correlation with media coverage of celebrity mental health issues.

While these are important conversations that need to be had, there's no reason for them to exist solely in relation to popular culture. The fact of the matter is that people in your life struggle with mental illness every day. Why are we waiting for someone famous to be affected by mental illness before we start to open our eyes to the signs all around us?

I might be biased, having had my fair share experience in the area, but shouldn't we be having these conversations continuously? Within the past 10 or 20 years, awareness and acceptance of mental health issues has come a long way, but there is still so much work to be done.

I understand that many social media posts about a celebrity's struggles with mental health are well-intentioned. There is no explicit harm in participating in public mourning or discussion. The issue arises when we, as a society, are only able to view mental health as an abstract and distant thing.

While you may have liked or retweeted something about Kate Spade recently, try to think of the last time you reached out to a friend or family member because you were concerned about how they were doing. When you see news and headlines about tragedies and difficulties arising from mental illness, do you consider the very real possibility of its presence in the lives of those around you?

As much as we are making it less taboo to openly talk about mental health, we are still treating it as a trending topic. Talking about it is only the very beginning of the battle. Real change can only be brought about by action, awareness, and support that continues even when mental health is not in the forefront of our lives. Mental health issues do not disappear once the media stops deeming them relevant.

Bring the conversation into your home, into your office, and into your schools. Don't let it fade out in two weeks when the news cycles. If we truly want to see a difference, this is a discussion we cannot stop having. Talk about Kate Spade, celebrate her life, mourn the loss, and remember her - but don't stop there.

Just because mental illness isn't actively present in your life doesn't mean it ceases to exist. We have to remember that. We have to keep talking about it.

If you or a loved one are struggling with thoughts of suicide, depression, anxiety, or are struggling with your mental health, please reach out for support:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1‑800‑273‑TALK

National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

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