In Disney Channel's "Lizzie McGuire," Kate Sanders had one goal: to make Lizzie McGuire's life miserable in whatever way she could. As told by Lizzie, Kate used to be friends with Lizzie and Miranda until she became popular (right after she started wearing a bra). Since her rise to popularity, she dropped their friendship and became the leader of the popular crowd. I'm not really sure what was so cool about her, but apparently she was the coolest girl in the whole school. For the record, Lizzie, Miranda and Gordo were much better people than she could have ever been. As evidenced by the things she said, she truly was the ultimate mean girl, or at least my six-year-old self thought so. Enjoy this throwback to some of her worst insults.
1. "What's your e-mail, Lizzie?"
Oh, wow. So creative, Kate. What's yours?
2. "Don't go into the biology lab, they might try to experiment on you!"
Another incredibly creative insult. Thanks, Kate. Do you know from your own experience?
3. "Did your mom stop shopping at Dorks-R-Us?"
Again, that creativity must have just been flowing. Was that where you bought those sunglasses, Kate? Also, thanks for bringing your little minion for reinforcement.
4. "Loser!"
Thanks for always giving Lizzie that extra reminder. This one features an appearance by yet another one of Kate's minions.
5. "Only you would think that you could hide that powder blue, puffy sleeved, it's kind of a peasant dress, but it's really a questionable disaster of fiber content that you wore to the spring dance. Lizzie McGuire, you are an outfit repeater!"
I'm actually impressed Kate could even remember that. Too bad the cartoon version of Lizzie couldn't actually talk.
6. "How many Lizzies does it take to screw in a light bulb? Hmmm, I don't know, but it only takes one to screw up a graduation."
I think she was embarrassed enough. Let it go. Considering she had to make a speech about five minutes after she was asked to while being reminded numerous times that she was not Margaret Chan, she did a pretty good job. Maybe that curtain should have been a little stronger.
7. "Embrace it. Fear it."
Lizzie did...every single day.
Although Kate was pretty much the meanest mean girl of the 2000s, Lizzie made sure to get her back whenever she could. At the end of "The Lizzie McGuire Movie," Lizzie made the greatest comeback ever. Kate sat in the audience as Lizzie sang her heart out with a famous Italian pop star. Did I mention it was on a stage in the Coliseum? Who's the cool one now? Take that, Kate.