Why The Kardashians Are Actually Great Role Models
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Why The Kardashians Are Actually Great Role Models

A response to "Kicking Out The Kardashians"

Why The Kardashians Are Actually Great Role Models

The Kardashian / Jenner clan has ruled the media for the last 10 years. They have been shamed, praised, ridiculed, worshiped, and everything in between. Everyone has their opinions on the Kardashians and Jenners, and that's great, but before you make up your mind you should be a little more informed. Jessie Hendrixson's article "Kicking Out The Kardashians" shames and disgustingly bashes the family by only writing the hyper dramatized actions the Kardashians and Jenners have made under the scrutinizing spotlight that they are all under. Then Hendrixson proceeds to tell you why these other actress are better role models. One thing to be learned from her article is that we should not shame people to praise others.

"Kicking Out The Kardashians" condemns all the Kardashians and Jenners without even talking about all of them. Hendrixson only mentions Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and Caitlyn Jenner. So, lets set the record straight about this powerhouse family:

Kim Kardashian is constantly on the chopping block for "being famous for nothing" or "only for her sex tape" but really the Kardashians and Jenners have been in the limelight for years before that sex tape was illegally leaked. Robert Kardashian Sr. was the attorney in the famous O.J. Simpson trail, and Caitlyn Jenner (Bruce, then) is an Olympian Gold Medalist. However, that sex tape did bring an already known name to a pop culture spotlight. According to the aforementioned article, Kim is only talked about for her "short-lived marriages and the incredibly stupid things she has said."

Kylie Jenner is also bashed in the media for letting her fans hurt their selves in order to look like her. The Lip Plumping Craze is also mention in the article saying that Kylie "allowed thousands of fans to hurt themselves" as if it was her fault young people were dumb enough to try such a thing. She even tweeted this as a response to the phenomenon:

The Kardashians and Jenners have created a multi-million dollar empire from their fame, that's not something any-old "stupid" person could do. Kim Kardashian, herself, is worth $150 million. I'm not saying that all of this is from her doing jobs because some was made from her divorces and lawsuits, but I am saying that not every person could go from "well-off" to a multi-millionaire. All the Kardashian / Jenners have created their own brands, and are working to make that money. They have earned it. Kris Jenner has been the manager for the girls for years and has worked her ass off getting a career started in whatever the girls wanted to do. If you think that this family is just sitting around watching the money roll in, you are wrong; it takes time and effort to create brands like "Arthur George," "DASH" and "Kylie Lip Kits" and to get them to sell as well as the Kardashians have done. Clothing lines, fragrances, cosmetics, and novels are just some of the ways this family is dominating the world.

If you do not watch "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," then you might not know all the support the family is offering to the world. When Caitlyn first came out to her family, it was hard to adjust to that reality, but this family took it in stride and supported her decision. Khloe and Kim have been ridiculed by the media for their weight and even admit how awful hearing those unnecessary comments hurt them. The family supports body positivity and wants people to feel to feel happy with themselves if that's losing weight, getting surgery, or staying the way you are. This family knows that life is about family first, and that is a great lesson for everyone. These sisters are best friends and tight-knit, which is something I think every family should strive to be like. In a world where millions of young people have direct access to celebrities from the media, I think that this family is showing off some stellar ideals.

Many people around the world do not know about the Armenian Genocide that took place between 1915 to 1923 and killed 1.5 million Armenians, but the Kardashians, who are Armenian, have encouraged people to get educated on this tragedy because it is still widely unaccepted by Turkey for even taking place. Kim posted a photo of her and Khloe on her Instagram when she went to the memorial for the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. People want to say that the Kardashians only care about material things and are shallow, but they clearly don't know all the facts.

In the article, "Kicking Out The Kardashians," there are women that the author claims are better role models than the Kardashians and Jenners: Janeane Garofalo, Emma Stone, Emma Watson, Maisie Williams, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler. All these women are great and perfect examples of role models, but what makes them better human beings? As women we should all unite together instead of bashing each other because we already get that enough from everyone else. The Kardashians and Jenners are not perfect and neither are the other women listed above, so why are only this family called out constantly for their mistakes? All of these women have made positive contributions to society, yes some greater than others, but we shouldn't be shaming people because what did wasn't enough in someone else's eyes.

There is an Emma Stone quote that Hendrixson used in her article that I think is a great lesson that we all need to learn: "My greatest hope for us as young women is to start being kinder to ourselves so that we can be kinder to each other. To stop shaming ourselves and other people for things we don't know the full story on - whether someone is too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too loud, too quiet, too anything. There's a sense that we're all too something, and we're all not enough." I thought that this quote was very fitting because in an article where someone shamed others, she used a quote telling people not to shame others.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but you should also try to be informed before making one. The Kardashian / Jenners are not perfect, but they also aren't the awful people that many seem to think they are. All-in-all no one is perfect, but people aren't always what they seem. Like I said before, we need to stop bashing people in order to praise others.

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