You're either one of two people: you're obsessed with the Kardashians and everything that they do or you actually hate their guts and don't understand why they are famous to begin with. I think we can guess which category I fall under. Despite the fact that I have been keeping up with this family for the last five or so years, I never understood the hatred they get on social media and everyone you turn actually.
For me, they are business woman. Kris Jenner, the most famous "momager" has set a brand for her daughters and they have skyrocketed. Each sister has their own thing they are working at all times, whether a be a makeup line, a new talk show, or a modeling gig, these sisters never stop. They have been fashion icons for me for as long as I can remember and I don't think I will ever stop caring about what they are doing, and I'm not ashamed to say that.
Some argue that, that they have no talent and they are bad role models. I believe we can't really say this because we see how relevant they are in the media and they are always working on a new project. They are also an extremely tight knit family. They always have each others backs no matter what and will rush to each others side when things get tough. This is something we don't see in many celebrities. They show that family comes first no matter what, and if Kourtney Kardashian isn't your mom goals, then I'm not sure you're doing it right.
We also have to give them credit for staying true to themselves no matter. Do you think they don't know some of the things they post are ridiculous? They don't apologize for it, and they are constantly having fun. Who wouldn't growing up with that many siblings? They show that they are strong willed and independent and this is something we can teach everyone.
Next time, you roll your eyes when you see Kim post a selfie stop and think "If I as this famous wouldn't I be doing the same exact thing?"