In case you forgot the semester is almost over! if you're not studying for finals then you're watching KUWTK.
Here are 19 GIFs to help keep you going this week.
1. Me on syllabus day
Giphy2. When it says no phones in class on the syllabus
Giphy3. When your friend comments but doesn't like your Instagram picture
Giphy4. Showing up to a class that doesn't take attendance
Giphy5. When your Dad calls to yell at you for going negative in your bank account
Giphy6. When you don't wear a bra to class
Giphy7. When you're next in line at Starbucks and you're looking at the cashier like...
Giphy8. When you wake up late for class and make it on time
Giphy9. When you stand up to go to the bathroom in the middle of a lecture
Giphy10. When you tell your mom you're about to drop out and become a stripper
Giphy11. When the professor asks why you have so many absences
Giphy. . . because this class is at 8 a.m. on Friday
12. When he asks "how'd you know that?"
Giphy13. Waking up for an 8 a.m.
Giphy14. When you go to bed with a clear face and wake up with breakouts
Giphy15. When you have 3 tests this week and someone asks if you wanna get food
Giphy16. When the freshman girls behind you start talking about Brad and Chad
Giphy17. When you finally finish that paper you were told about the first class
Giphy18. When your check you GPA
Giphy19. Walking out of your last final like...
GiphyHappy end of the semester! Good luck with finals!