Next week, I'm going to be testing for my junior black belt. A rank I have worked for almost five years to obtain. And although It is not a full black belt, this belt has a lot of significance to me and the others in my dojo. It's because of earning this rank that I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my instructors. Each one of them has taken such a powerful role in my life and without them I would not be that same person I am today.
A thank you to Renchi Dikie who never let me give up. Who always pushes me to my very best and considered anything less unacceptable. Thank you for teaching me how to overcome challenges, even when it seems impossible.
A thank you to Kyoshi Will Clark, who not only taught my introductory class, but planted the seed for a scrawny eleven year old to become passionate about something. Thank you for all the weapons classes and thank you for constantly pushing me to do my best. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong.
A thank you to Renchi Ryan Barone, who made me feel at home when we switched dojo's. Thank you for listening to me and giving my words a place of meaning. Thank you for teaching me how to be kind and how to forgive. Thank you for making me feel valid.
A thank you to Renchi Sonja Kuljanin. Thank you for teaching me girls belong in karate too. Thank you for all the pep talks and gentle pick-ons. Thank you for always checking to make sure I'm okay. Thank you for explaining things to me over, and over, and over and over again and not giving up until I finally got it.
A thank you to Renchi Alexis Tearney-Kuhl who always pushed me to do my best even as young as twelve years old. Thank you for making me believe in myself and all my capabilities. Thank you for teaching me how to work with the little kids in karate.
A thank you to Renchi David Homer. Your Saturday morning black belt club classes made me feel powerful and it was a pleasure to be in them. Thank you for teaching me how to be positive no matter what the outcome.
A thank you to Kyoshi Theodore Blandon whose wisdom and kindness will be forever planted with me as the rest of the dojo. Thank you for teaching me how to apply discipline and focus to make things happen for myself.
Thank you to Shihan Judi Tearney. Thank you for all the love, support, kindness and corrections over the years. Thank you for never giving up on me and never allowing me to quit (not that I'd ever try). Thank you for teaching me so many lessons about kindness, teaching, and technique.
And finally I'd like to thank Hanshi Greg Tearney. Who has created a dojo where children, teens and even adults can come, practice, and master whatever they wish to do. Thank you for always keeping me humble and in check. Thank you for all the Saturday morning private lessons. Thank you for making me feel validated. Thank you for all the effort you put in to make sure all of your student are successful. Thank you giving me a role model as who I look up everyday.
And I do not thank all of you as if my martial arts journey is over, but I thank you is if it has just begun because in reality, it has. I know that if you were not personally driving me to my best you would be driving others. It is because of all my instructors that all the days and hours I spend at karate make it all worth it.
SportsNov 01, 2016
A Thank You To The Karate Instructors Who Changed My Life
and thank you for all the lessons along the way