Kanye West.
Regarded as one of the greatest artists of our generation, he has money, fans and influence. But man, is he a dumbass. Since his return to Twitter, he's been nonstop erratically tweeting about various pseudo-advice that only a rich narcissist would. "Let's be less concerned with ownership of ideas. It's important that ideas see the light of day even if you don't get credit for them. Let's be less concerned with credit awards and external validation."
What kind of crap? Bruh, Kanye. All the money you have and all the fame and attention you've received are because your ideas and music are accredited to you. And for a black man to say that is just embarrassing. Black artists and creators know exactly what it means to not get credit for what they deserve because others take their ideas and make money off them. So no, Kanye, "self victimization is [not] a disease" when your own community is so apparently the victim of 300 years of bullshit. I can imagine the incessantly long rant you would spew if someone tried to take credit for your oh so high and mighty ideas. Get over yourself.
But the real controversy is MAGA and Trump. MAGA is not about love. MAGA is about fear. Fear of white supremacists losing their seat of power. Fear of globalization. Fear of diversity and an increasingly ethnic America. Fear of deportation, incarceration and police brutality. And for you to so openly support that buffoon Trump is a stain on your legacy, just like Trump himself will forever be a stain on the history of the United States. For you to pretend that people who speak against MAGA and the Trump administration are "constantly bringing up the past [and] stuck there" shows that you have forgotten your roots and where you came from.
You're deep in the sunken place, my dude. Just because you're put on a pedestal and may not experience the reality of racism personally doesn't mean it isn't going on. Many of your loyal fans and followers experience it in their day-to-day and for you to so actively promote Trump's bullshit is disheartening, disenchanting and embarrassing.
John Legend said it best: "Think freely. Think with empathy and context too. Your words and actions have consequences...artists can't be blind to the truth."
And for those people saying others aren't letting Kanye speak his mind is a weak argument. He's speaking his mind. And people are speaking theirs back. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences or response.
Just like Kanye said about Gaga and Polaroid: "What does he know about politics?!"