There are some people that are notorious for their opinions, and then there's some people that shut down an entire concert early because of their opinion; you guessed it - the one and only Kanye West. Not only is he the king of the music industry, he takes the title as the King of Twitter - head and head with Jayden Smith of course. By the grace of God and all things good, the King of Twitter has given us some life advice in 160 characters or less; enjoy.
Do not hold me responsible for any problems this gets you into.
1. Kanye taught us to believe in everything we do
We are pretty darn great, so throw your accomplishments out online and make sure to include '#me' so no one forgets who you're talking about.
2. Kanye taught us to embrace our feelings
Being emotional over stupid things isn't just for girls anymore. Boys, Kanye broke down the genre barrier and opened it up to all of us; thanks Kanye. Be right back, i'll be crying over postal codes.
3. Kanye taught us to ANSWER OUR F*CKING TEXTS
C'mon people it's 2017, stop talking to people in person and get on your phone, geez.
4. Kanye taught us to stand by yourself
If you believe in something, promote it loud and proud online. Just remember some things are on the internet forever, and now ripped sweaters cost a lot of money; thanks Kanye.
5. Kanye taught us to not let people question you
6. Kanye taught us the best gift is giving
How come no one thinks to give back to someone who we thought gave us it all. Or Kanye gives pretty bomb gifts, I hope to find out someday.
7. Kanye taught us to focus on the good qualities in yourself
Why focus on the bad when you have so many great qualities. So what if I was three absences away from not graduating high school, I have pretty good eyebrows.
8. Kanye taught us to wash our f*cking utensils
First World Problems
9. Sometimes the only person you have is yourself
10. Kanye taught us to be the bigger person and apologize
11. Even if it's out in the open
Saying sorry is hard, practice saying it to millions of people on twitter. #KanyeLogic
12. Kanye West taught us money is the root to beautiful ideas
Mom and Dad, if you're reading this, I need money to succeed. I have sixteen dollars in my bank account; please help.
13. Lastly, Kanye taught us that we will never be good enough
Sorry superstar.
Life is a whole lot easier when you take advice from rap verses and not your parents or your teachers; that's for sure. Mom, it's not a phase. So listen up, The Life Of Pablo is pretty good.