First month back at school, whether new to campus or you've spent the last couple of years in Lawrence, every KU community member is bound to do something careless. It's inevitable. There's just something about summer that takes away for an extended pause all the wisdom you've gained over the years. And for the new people to campus, welcome! If you find yourself making any of the following mistakes, it's all fine, don't worry, most of us have been in your shoes. In about a year you can look back and laugh, but for now, let's go over some of the common mistakes all KU students make on campus.
1. Getting lost in Wescoe
You've had at least two classes in the building before, but even after four years, it can still be very confusing trying to figure which side of the building you're on and how to exit the building on the right side that gets you to your next class on time. The dang place is basically a labyrinth, complete with dead ends, holes in the ceiling and awkwardly shaped rooms. So the next time you enter Wescoe, bring some snacks, you might be there a while.
2. Making eye contact at tabling events on campus
If you just want the candy, you either swoop in and swoop out like Superman or you can endure ten minutes of a pitch from an organization you know you will never join, and then collect your sugary prize like a weary war hero on the journey home.
3. Attempting to reason with the hellfire folks on Wescoe Beach
We all know it's going to be a beautiful day when our friends on Snapchat post videos or pictures of intense Christian groups( bad intense) screaming at students that yoga pants make us sluts or hoes and how learning in college will inevitably lead to all of us going to hell or worse, getting an STD. Sadly, some of us believe they can somehow win an argument with these irrational people and it ends up turning into an escalated situation where the police are called in (which never helps sadly). Just remember to keep moving on, those fanatics live off the attention
4. Buying books from the bookstore
You know it's gonna be cheaper online on Amazon or some other site, but then a strange thought enters your mind, a sort of false calm that assures you that buying from your school means that there is a chance that one book you use maybe twice will be cheaper. Stop lying to yourself, please.
Even if it might save you only five dollars, explore other options. Remember that renting is always an option or better yet, bug people that you know who have taken the course before and ask if you can have their old copy.
5. Going up that next flight of stairs on the 4th floor of Anschutz
Look, I've done it, you've done it, we've all kept climbing those old, yet solid stairs past the top floor trying to find somewhere else study only the realize once again that the top floor of Anschutz is the 4th floor, not the 2nd floor(the one below the lobby level). Remember the school is on a stupidly big hill, so the buildings had to be constructed to compensate for that.
6. Not going to Unionfest and similar events after freshman year
PLEASE GO AND SAVE MONEY. Going to Unionfest and getting all that free food and merch gives me what I imagine those people that raid stores in apocalypse movies feel: pure. freedom. So much food at the end gets literally shoved at you at the end by people in the cafeteria and there are multiple barrels of soda and water just sitting around waiting to be claimed. You could probably feed yourself for at least the first few days of school with all the snacks and treats from that event.
Might I mention the same thing happens at the SUA Campus Carnival-2 liter bottles of soda just get given away and you can take multiple crates of them home. You also get a bunch of free food and all you need is KU ID.
Get in the game, y'all.