Kamille Bidan, the protagonist from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, may be one of the most polarizing characters in the Gundam universe. Some fans enjoy his bipolar antics. Others are quick to pick apart the childish behavior of the man. However, you can't deny the entertainment value of his escapades.
Judging by his actions, Kamille is actually a pretty relatable character. How relatable, you say? Let's see.
1. When your best friend reads the text messages you've been sending to your crush
2. When you're diligently doing your taxes early
3. When they run out of cro-nuts at the local bakery
4. When your best friend is really getting on your nerves
5. When you can't find the remote even though you swore you saw it earlier
6. When your girl catches you staring
7. When you lose a loved one
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