"To survive among predators, Kai’Sa became one. Stranded for years with no hope of rescue, Kai’Sa endured through sheer will and a symbiotic second skin adapted from a living Void creature. Now the Daughter of the Void emerges an apex hunter torn between two worlds: the one that birthed her, and the one that made her."
Kai'Sa, the 140th champion of League of Legends was released today. Leaked on the Garena's League page, it includes her full kit of abilities. One of the main features of her kit is her brand new Plasma system. In my opinion, Kai'Sa looks like she would excel as jungler with potent ganks from her w ult combo. Although it is more likely players will play her in the bot lane like most other marksmen in the game.
Unlike Kog'Maw, Kai'Sa is a human who was trapped in the void for years. She barely survived by adapting the symbiotic skin of a Void creature - leaving her half-human, half void-hunter. Her passive, Living Weapon is based on this part of her lore.
Based on her kit, her ult seems to be an excellent tool for picking off low health enemies that are isolated. Although a marksman, you will almost always be close to the enemy so kiting will be important to her. Because of her passive, a back-and-roam playstyle will most likely be very effective and be able to make use of her adaptations. Her Q seems like a great tool for wave clearing, but also an optimal ability for bursting down an enemy. For a new champion, she does not seem as broken as Zoe or Camille on release, but we shall see how it goes. For her full kit, visit the link here: