Today I would like to talk about Kepernick and his "oppression". I will be using quotes from Amiri King you can find him on Facebook. So basically people have been sitting during the National Anthem and in my opinion, they do it for attention. Even Amiri King says, "Have you ever been smacked in the back with a whip while your picking cotton? I didn't fuckin' think so, nor have I smacked a motherfucker in the back while they pick cotton nor have I even seen a cotton field if you can go back in time to the 1800's and tell them how oppressed you are right now in 2016, he'll probably smack you in the mouth with an actual slave." I feel like he is 110% accurate when he says these things because really, if you think that you're oppressed, then you need to take a look back when things were much much worse. 68.7% of the NFL is black and 74.4% of the NBA is black. Those people are getting paid MILLIONS! Talk about oppression, they are living in mansions! Considering that they are just playing sports, that's a lot of money. Also, I find it very inappropriate when they make these stances at football games, couldn't you have done that somewhere else? I mean really, of all places, you choose to make a political statement at a football stadium. There's a time and a place. Kaepernick is oppressed because he lives in a damn mansion. Poor guy, I bet he must have a hard time going to sleep in his many bedroomed house... I mean he has to pick 1 bedroom, that's gotta be tough for the lil' guy. I'm just saying, don't talk about oppression when you have no idea how much the people before you have suffered from REAL oppression, not the whiney b.s we have going on today.
Thanks for reading.