Keep writing.
It doesn't sound right?
It doesn't seem clear?
Keep writing.
It isn't interesting?
It doesn't seem to catch an audience?
Keep writing.
You hate what you wrote?
Keep writing.
Someone once told me writing is just like any other sport or art form. The only way to get better at it is to practice it DAILY! Professional athletes did not go pro by only going to practice once a week. Famous musicians did not make it by practicing a few times a month. Every skill and talent we have must be honed and practiced daily for success. Maybe today you write something you love, and tomorrow you write something so awful you throw it away. At least you wrote.
No matter how bad your writer's block gets, keep writing.
Even if it is just random words on a page in no particular order with no particular purpose-- at least you wrote.
Even if it does not reflect what you believe or who you are-- at least you wrote.
Every time you write something, you figure out more of who you are, less of who you are not, and are able to better organize your thoughts and passions into words.
Whatever you do, just keep writing! You will be satisfied with the results one day so long as you keep practicing and keep enjoying your beautiful talent!