Look at their skin and see their culture, their heritage and their strength, not the incorrect ideology that they are inferior simply because they are black, brown, or red. We can do better. They deserve for us to be better.
This is my voice that I promise I will use until there is justice made for all people of color.
You deserve better.
Why must you have been born
If you are to never be respected
To live in fear and be feared
To never fully grasp equality and equity
Because of the color of your skin?
There is so much more meaning to your life
Other than scorn, torture, and death.
But that's been made harder for you
All because you look, walk, and talk differently.
But to me, You are so beautiful!
I want to cry it out to the skies
Just how beautiful you are
Because you were crafted so brilliantly
So strongly and so wonderfully.
You were put here to live.
Not to live in fear, but to live in happiness.
Not to live by another man's hand, but to write your own story.
Not to fit anyone's personal agenda, but to have a narrative you're proud of.
Not just to survive, but to live a fulfilled life.
You deserve so much better than what you have been given and what you will get.
I will use my voice
I will scream and shout all the wonders you create
Until everyone recognizes just what I see:
You. A person of color. A person who deserves better.
A person.
One day, people of color will be born
Into a world that truly accepts and respects them;
Doesn't fear them but loves them.
One day...
And I can only pray that it is sooner rather than later.
I'm not a person of color. But, I see you, I hear you, and I will fight for you. Always know among all the evil and hatred, you've got an ally.