Not long ago, I saw a post on Facebook saying "the worst feeling is when you don't wanna give up on someone but you know you have to." When I saw this post, I was confused. I immediately thought to myself "Is this how a Christian should act? Is this how we should respond to the world?"
I understand that there are some people in this world where it seems like the only hope for them left is to be left alone. I see families leaving a loved one alone to their grief, addictions, or wrongdoing and I also see friends forsaking others just for making continuous mistakes. While it is good to distance yourself from people who do wrong, it is never right to just plainly give up on someone.
For the past ten years, my family has been patiently praying that my dad seeks help for the problems he faces in life. But over and over again, every so often, he slips up. When this happens, my entire family gets upset at his mistakes and some have even gave up on him. They tell me "He has to figure out his problems on his own." My reaction to them is "God never gave up on me despite my many failures. What gives me the right to give up on him? My sin is just the same in God's eyes and I am no different than anyone else that messes up."
When I search the scriptures, I do not find a single time in God's word where it says for us to give up on other. Time and time again, I see Jesus continuously love people despite their sins. Take Judas for example. Before Jesus performed the "Lord's Supper," he washed all the disciples' feet. While this lesson does deal with pure service, it also deals with the fact that Jesus washed Judas's feet even when He knew that Judas would betray Him. Jesus didn't give up on the ones that betrayed Him. He still went to that cross bleeding out for every person, every sinner, every wrongdoer, every thief, murderer, liar, and every wicked person that is on the face of this earth.
God is no respecter of persons. He treats every human with the same love and punishment and with the kindness and sadness. He sees us just the same.
If we Christians are to become like the Lord, we must learn to be patient with people.
We must learn to not give up on the lost.
If Jesus decided to just say as he was dying on the cross "Oh, I can't handle dealing with people's problems anymore, I am just going to have to give up on them," what kind of state do you think we would be in today? That is pure unconditional love.
Just remember these words,
"Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me."
You know the song. "One Thing Remains"
So remember that the Lord never gives up on us. So never give up on others. We are just the same.