Is that you?
Your conscience is calling you in the middle of the night, and you have an eight o’ clock class. You lay there in cold sweat, thinking about the things you did not do, the things you did do, or what you should of done. Should you have talked to him? Should you have said that? For the love of god, just stop regretting your choices.
SO, you when you get that way. Think about how you are just a little dot. Just kidding, not even a half of a little sprinkle. You are that size compared to the whole universe.
Did you know that in one theory, that you have saved the Universe at least once because of where you were at that exact moment? This might sound crude, but literally whatever you id not do, does not matter
Okay that is probably not true, but seriously pretend it is. So literally everything you have not done and you regret those things, stop. It does not matter. Every thing you are going to do right at this moment, which is hopefully sleeping, will save the universe.
Remember that you are worth it. Live in the now, and stop wishing that you had done something different. Start being happy!
Now you just saved the Universe. Feel better? Go to sleep.
Always a Pleasure!