Lately, it seems that the world, or at least the social media world, has been overwhelmed by a fire of forceful opinions. Posts and articles are full of tirades on serious subjects, anger, and other personal thoughts. All of which end in rude comments and cruel fighting. And yeah some serious stuff has been happening lately. Events I don’t even need to mention because they have already been beaten to death by every person with a computer.
And with all this grim news and fury crowding my timeline I have been ready to delete my Facebook so many times, not because I don’t care about current events but because I don’t need that onslaught of sometimes uniformed, sometimes hateful, sometimes repetitive, sometimes crazy, and almost always needless thoughts. Of course I know this is just me writing some article, blathering on about my own opinion, but just hang in there we haven’t made it to my actual point yet.
My point is simple. Remember to laugh. Don’t take yourself, the world, or any of its events too seriously. Have your opinions, share them on socially media even, but be able to make jokes about things too. Not because laughter is the best medicine, but because it’s the only medicine that can easily and instantly free you from the chains of everyday pointlessness.
Make jokes about life, be it through satire or sarcasm, puns or pictures. Watch some comedy after the news or at least watch The Daily Show and get both at once. Humor is not forbidden even in the face of death. Smiling will help you live longer than pointless anger over events in which you have little control.
Post jokes and memes and videos that make you laugh to your Instagram and Facebook not anger or hate or thoughtless comments. Share the Odyssey articles that are just plain silly or are 99% gifs. Obviously, know your audience and try to stick to topics that everyone can find funny. Not because our world is ruthlessly ruled by PC culture but because you want everyone to laugh and smile. Because spreading laughs to all is the ultimate goal. Yet that goes both ways. If and when possible, don’t take jokes or anything too seriously and get easily offended.
Feel free to disagree with this. Feel free to think I'm crazy and insensitive. You will never not be entitled to your own thoughts and ideas. And don't stop caring about the world. Caring and being passionate is great. Just laugh sometimes. Just think about it. Just give it a try. Try letting the anger fade and realize how ridiculous the world can be. Laugh at the absurdity of humanity and just find some peace in that release.
In short, life is too short to spend every waking moment angry or worked up. Spend at least some of that time laughing at silly videos or telling jokes. Relax. You can’t be on a crusade to save the world 100% of the time. So try using all caps for LOLing instead of yelling at others and maybe we can all end up a little happier.