While I went for my monthly check up, I was talking to one of my favorite nurse, btw always a pleasure talking to her, one of the thing that struck out to me was when we brought up the subject that our system doesn't respect women. We talked about how when something happened to us justice is never on our side. I was watching a video where the predator admitted that he committed the crime, sexually assaulted her, and he was supposed to go to prison for 4 years but he's lawyer found a better deal so he got away with 10 years of probation. When I finished watching the video I felt sick to my stomach like isn't no means no, I don't know that it had another meaning. It isn't the first time that happened just like Brooke Tuner, he got caught in action but no just had been served to the victim even though she wrote a letter telling the judge how she felt about what had happened. How come you look down on us when you were brought in the is earth by a woman, raised by one and nurtured by one?
I often asked myself this question, what would you do if something like this happens to your mom, sisters or daughters? What would you do? How would you feel? How would you react to it? What if the table turn around where it was your mother, sisters or daughters that happened where there isn't justice, where there isn't enough evidence to put the predator behind door.... You would be devastated, hopeless and defeated then why wouldn't you do the same for the victim families. I am a survivor, so I know how it feels when Justice isn't on your side. My nurse told me, " in order for the world to change then we need to replace our system, all of them have to go and select new ones." It's unfair because we women go through a lot, we are seeing as a sex object, as this weak human being, treat us like we are nothing, we get pay less, we are they don't take us serious at all. I often asked myself how come men do not respect women like we are the best thing that ever happened to them. We cook, clean, bleed for 3-7 days, we carry a child for 9 months technically 10 months and we go to work like how can you not respect this human being that God created. I often hear some men calling women bitches, sluts, beat them, and talk mad shit about them when they are done hitting it like are you even hearing yourself because I don't call these men I just call them little punks and boys because they have a lot of growing up to do.
Real men know how to treat a women, they know to respect women, take care and talk to women.I kind of don't blame them since education starts at home, if they see their treating their mom badly and nothing has improved of course they'll think that it's ok to treat all of them the same. It's so beautiful when you see a man taking care of a women like how can you not to? You call yourself educated and yet you never learn how to make a woman happy or respect. Respecting a woman doesn't make you less of a man or punk whoever told you then that's means that they aren't happy about themselves or what they've become. You said you want a good woman by your side then you gonna have to step up and be a man.