It's 2:34 a.m.
My heart is broken.
America is grieving.
For hours, I have watched every video and read every article I can find about the tragedy and undeniable act of terrorism that took place in Las Vegas on October 1. I have prayed for peace for our nation. And cried. I have cried more tears than I have in a very long time.
Our nation was already torn. And here we are, grieving the loss of innocent lives with no answers and no understanding of how someone could kill so many Americans for no reason at all.
How could someone know they are killing someone's daughter, son, brother, sister, mother or father and not care? How have we come to this?
I am a pretty opinionated person. Most of my opinions are not considered politically correct and I'm afraid this may be another one of those unpopular opinions I have, but I am going to state it and I believe in it with every fiber of my being. I understand. Not everyone is a Christian. I understand that not everyone will accept Jesus for who He is and His love that He has for us all. I respect everyone's right to have their own beliefs and to also express them. But these are my beliefs that I may express due to the freedom and rights I am granted as an American.
Are you ready for the solution?
We need Jesus, America.
Christians, hold on just a second before you get on your high horse and start shaking your head in complete agreement. Do you really realize why our country does not have Jesus? Have you actually considered why there is so much hate in our country? Do you realize why no one believes in the love of our God?
I am the problem. You are the problem. We are the problem.
I am more guilty than anyone. I am a hypocrite. I have faked a Christian life. I have lived a sinful life while all the while proclaiming to live for a perfect Jesus.
But I wasn't living for Him.I have preached love while showing hate. No wonder no one knows the love of Jesus when we are talking the talk but not walking the walk. I am an imperfect person who has had to find my way back to a perfect God and I still fail Him daily.
But brothers and sisters, what are we doing? More importantly, what are we not doing? Why are we failing to be the hands of feet of Jesus when this is what we were called to do?
How is our country supposed to come to know our Jesus if we are not living our lives for Him every day?
How is our country supposed to know love when we are not showing the love of God to each other everyday?
How often do we say our country needs God, but forget to pray for our country?
How often do we sin, but hate others and shame them for their sins?
How often do we question why there is no love, but never witness to anyone to show them what kind of unconditional love God has for them?Â
I am guilty of all of the above.
I have some more news for you. God loved Stephen Paddock as much as He loves me and you.
Did you read that correctly?
To be honest with you, there's only one major difference between Stephen Paddock and Bethany Chamblee. I was blessed enough to be shown God's love, realize that I was a lost sinner who was dying and going to hell, and accepts Him as my Savior. I would like to think that surely somewhere down the line that something witnessed to Stephen Paddock about the love of Jesus and how He died for our sins, but they may not have. Who's fault would that be? I'll give you a hint. Jesus would not be the one at fault.
After some praying, soul-searching, and repenting of my own shortcomings, I understand that more than any other purpose I may have on this Earth, it is my job as a saved, imperfect sinner to show His love to everyone no matter who they are or what they believe in. If I am truly a forgiven child of God, I will love my neighbor as myself. My neighbor of a different religion. My neighbor of a different race. My neighbor who has shown hate to me. ALL OF THEM. I fail and I am sure I will continue to fail. But if we didn't fail, there would have been no need for Jesus' blood to have been shed on Calvary and I know His blood was not shed in vain.
Out of all I have seen and all I have read, there are still some things that give me hope for my America. The sacrifices made by some people in Las Vegas that night are some that truly show love and compassion. No one was worried about race, religion, or political beliefs.
However, they were worried about their fellow American. Their neighbor. Tears of joy ran down my face as I read and watched people tell of how a complete stranger covered them as the bullets flew by or helped get them to safety after they had been injured. We still have hope American. We still have a chance to turn this thing around. But we can't do it alone. We need Jesus.
Tonight, I ask you to pray. But before you pray for America, pray for yourself. Pray that God can use you and that God can use me to make this America a better place. We must pray for our own sins and shortcomings before we can pray for someone else. We must take action. We can no longer expect God to take hold of our country if we are not willing to be the body of Christ that performs that action. After that, I hope you pray for our nation, for our leaders, and especially for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one after this act of hate and terrorism. Pray for Las Vegas. Pray for those that had to witness this and will forever be haunted by it.
Pray for those that so willingly risked their lives so that others may live. Pray that our country will use this to come together as one to overcome the hate this is so quickly taking over our world. Pray that you can be a witness to someone who may need the love and grace of God more than they ever realized.
More than anything, America: just love.