Just in one second, someone spills coffee on their white pants. In a single second, someone stubs their toe. In one second, someone misses the bus.
In a way, one second doesn't seem like much to many people. It just isn't something people tend to think about. There are thousands of seconds in a day and millions of seconds in a year, so why should one single second passing mean anything to you?
I'm asking you to take a moment and realize how powerful one second is. The world around us seems to be constantly moving too fast. We lose track of time; we take one second for granted. Sure, nothing could happen in one second. However, it is more often than not that we forget that everything can happen in one second.
Just in one second, someone recognizes the smell of a loved one. In one second, someone meets their soon-to-be best friend. In one second, someone buys tickets to see their favorite band. In just a second, someone meets their newborn child. In one second, someone greets the love of their life with a kiss. All in a second, someone could take their last breath; just in one second, you could take your last breath.
So slow down. Take a deep breath. Count to 10. Realize how valuable those 10 seconds are. Everyone says tomorrow is not promised. But heck, even the next few seconds aren't promised either.