The choir room has no working air conditioning. The band room doesn't get any new technology firsthand. We wait until the technology teacher gives us his old stuff.
The choir room doesn't have the proper chairs. The band room needs a new setup and also a new room but they're leaving that classroom open to create more math and science classrooms.
The choir room has a piano with a cracked soundboard. Quite frankly, it sounds horrible. It gets out of tune all the time and the rates to get the piano tuned are really high. The band room has two broken pianos that no one will fix.
The choir room has a closet full of old keyboards from a class that never got approved. The band room needs more shelves.
I don't know how much more I can write about this topic. I'm so annoyed that week after week after week I have to take to Odyssey to write about the ridiculous things our music department has to go through. We need two working pianos. They don't have to be fantastic brand new Yamaha grands, whole soundboards would be nice. New robes and new uniforms would be nice. Good chairs would be nice. Respect for the program would be nice.
I want to be a music ed major in college. This high school is all I have in the way of preparing me to get there and to be successful. The teachers who run our music department are two of the nicest people to ever walk the earth. Our choir director is a tireless advocate for us. She fights for us to get what we need and is trying her hardest to build this program up into something respectful and amazing. Our band directors has been fighting for years to get the band what we need, whether it be marching equipment or a working projector.
I don't understand how they do it. I would've given up years ago because all the musical kids here, we write and we plead and we petition and we beg for someone, anyone, to help us to get where we're trying to go and it never gets us anywhere.
I am so sick and tired of this. I'm fed up and annoyed at the way our musical cries are constantly being silenced in favor of rougher, tougher, and bigger athletic endeavors. I'm tired of hearing about how all the athletic teams got new uniforms and I'm over here in a sparkly orange dress from the hell that was 1998 because the band budget got sliced in half again.I'm tearing of hearing locker room talk where I should be hearing perfect fifths from the choir room.
So for the love of God, just give us the stupid pianos already.