Recently I transferred schools, left my job, joined a dance team, let go of a lot of negative influences in my life, as well as gained new friendships and relationships. During a period of change, it's easy for us to get wrapped up in the letting go, and not what we are receiving. It's easy to be hard on ourselves, to take on new responsibilities/endaevours/whatever the scenario may be and judge ourselves based on not adapting to the situation fast enough. For instance, I am a person that cannot handle having too much on my plate, so I have always been a part time student as well as a part time employee. During this recent shift in my life, I decided to become a full time student as well as be a part of a dance team. Although it's only been two weeks, I feel like a failure. Why? I haven't actually failed, but the constant push and nagging that I bring upon myself that I am not doing enough, I am not studying enough, I am not pushing myself to my upmost potential makes me feel like I am simply not enough. It's a common trait that most of my peers relate to me with, that feeling that no matter how hard we try, nothing will measure up. Especially the go-getters, the dreamers, the idealists that have set very far fetched goals and standards for ourselves. It's something we can all relate with, we envision this cookie cutter unrealistic wonder woman that we can become, but in reality, it's almost impossible. I am all for setting goals and standards for yourself to some extent, but don't ever push yourself to the point where you question your self worth because you aren't completing what you set your mind to. No matter what area of life this is directed to, nobody is perfect. You will never be the perfect student, you will mess up on a test or assignment from time to time. You will never be the perfect athlete, you may injure yourself or even just need some time to recover. You will never be the perfect friend, you will get annoyed or upset or even mad at your peers from time to time, you will have disagreements, and that's okay. You will never be the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend, you will say the wrong thing, you won't fully be present all the time because you will get wrapped up in your own head, and that's okay. Everything is okay. Keep telling yourself that. Instead, tell yourself I am an amazing student. I will study as hard as I can and I will do the best I can to get the GPA that I want. I am an amazing athlete/performer/or whatever your passion may be. I will continue to improve and I will show people how amazing I am. I will be there for the people that love and support me. I will love fully and wholeheartedly, not letting insecurities or the past interfere. And finally, I will love myself. I will love myself even though my laugh sounds similar to a dying pig and I can't say the word boutique properly. I will love the imperfections that I have, the way my forehead is disproportional to my face and the fact that I will never have a perfectly flat stomach. Because I am enough. I am proud of the person I am.
Student LifeFeb 13, 2017
Just A Friendly Reminder That You Are Enough
For those times you want to beat yourself up, remember that you are enough.