This is me, can you accept that?
You don't always get me. I think you choose not to at times. It's easier that way. It's easier to deny the flaws and embrace the joys. That's not me though. As much as you try to fix me I will always remain broken. Do you know why? It's because I'm so beautifully fucking broken.
Those scars there, they were left by someone that impacted my life when I needed it the most, good or bad. They left openings for others to fill. The tears shed day in and day out are supposed to be there, they make me human. You see the difference between you and I is very simple. I am connected to everyone and everything. Energies flow through me, they flow with me. I can't seem to turn them off.
When I enter a room filled with people I don't cower because I'm scared. I cower because it's such an intense experience. It's like walking through a tornado with no protection. You get hit with everything, everyone's emotions and all at once. You don't know whether to cry or smile, because you can feel everyone. So instead I choose to leave.
Just because I turn to leave doesn't mean I am flawed. It means I'm not ready yet, I'm not ready for what the universe handed me. But I fight everyday with my beautiful demons and you are no one to judge that struggle.
I'm gifted and because of that I have anxiety. That anxiety is my way of coping with all these emotions. It's my way of dealing with touching everyone's soul. I have the ability to feel something others can't. Sometimes that's so overwhelming it's scary, and there's where my fears settle. But fear is so necessary, because of fear I'm able to appreciate all the happiness and opportunity the world has to offer.
As scary as the world may be to me at times, as exaggerated as you think my reaction is, it's actually not. It is totally appropriate for how I am feeling, i actually might be under playing it. Sometimes screaming to the sky seems like the only appropriate response to what happens to my soul.
I can see past this world, and sometimes that forces me to ask to many questions. The questions that don't make sense to anyone and make me feel like I don't belong here. I am open, I am free, and I am choosing slowly, day by day to embrace my anxiety. It is part of me and it makes me question my very existence at times. But that's okay because it makes me different from you.
I handle emotion differently than you. My world is painted different from yours. I should not be labeled for that though. I should be labeled for my ability to see; to see farther than anyone else. I see your soul, your fragile incredible soul and I choose to carry it carefully, along with everyone else's soul I connect with. So just try to accept mine. I am not changing nor should I have to. I am me with all my anxieties and flaws, and I think that's beautiful.