This past Friday, I attended an event in Brooklyn called "Sister Circle." It was an intimate space shared with few women, where we gathered to heal ourselves as well as each other. The facilitator/host of the event asked everyone in the room to walk around and share their dreams with someone else in the room. Due to the amount of time given, I was able to speak to more than one person. I noticed a common theme among the women I spoke to about their dreams: Fear. Everyone boldly expressed their dreams and passions, with proud smiles and passionate eyes. However, they would always follow with a "But..." then go on to explain why they couldn't chase their dream.
It was frustrating for me to hear all these talented women doubt their potential because of something so simple as fear. Fear is not a valid reason to not believe in yourself or to go after your wants. If anything, fear should be a motivator because it's a reminder that the best is yet to come. As cliche as this sounds, there are many things we wouldn't have had if the people who created them allowed fear to hold them back.
So this is a message for the women I met that night, as well as anyone who is allowing fear to hold them back from chasing their dreams. Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown. We never have it all figured out and that causes us to worry about what may happen. Unfortunately, our second nature is to expect the worse. This plays into the power of thought which I wrote about in a previous article. Begin to think about things with a positive outcome rather than a negative one. You will see a grave difference in your outcome that way. If you believe in a dream, there's no reason you shouldn't believe that you have the ability to achieve that dream. Take a leap and don't look back. If you fail, it's not a failure it's a determent. Take notes and try again. There is always more than one way to reach a certain outcome. Most importantly, always remember that you're worth the risk.