I do not know what I want to do for a career; I have not figured it out for a while. Even though, I have a degree (something I thought I was never was going to get), I still find myself stuck in quick sand. For a while, I have been in college changing majors like T-shirts. One positive thing about this is the endless knowledge I have received from the college courses I've needed to get take. Sometimes, I think of putting school on hold and finding myself first. I can always go back to school if I finish the semester with good grades, right?
Some of you may think it would not be wise to do so but guess what? Mind your business, you do not know what you are talking about. You are just a follower who is tricked into believing you are something more. As I grow, I am taking more risks because I feel like the clock is ticking and time is running out. I need to jump on the train that takes me to a permanent employment that I will enjoy waking up to. A job that will take me to heights where I have options to do what my heart desires. P.Diddy once said, “mo’ money mo’ problems” but I say “Mo’ money, mo’ options.” But, I have to find something I love to do first.
As the days go by and I grow older, I have to get myself out there. Life is a risk and without a risk, I may never get to where I want to be. Everyone who seems to be happy with his or her career seems to have one thing in common. Everyone who has a story share one-thing super similar and that is they all have taken a trip far from home. They all have gained knowledge and experience from a trip they have gone on. It was hard but they ended up overcoming obstacles and have found what they want to do for the rest of their lives.
Sometimes, I see myself just taking a trip out of the country, try to find some jobs there and make a little bit of money so I can get by through the day. I almost think this would be a good exercise because I would not have a car; I’d just walk for miles. Maybe, sticking my thumb out so I can get a ride to where I want to go and believe I’ll find something to make some cash. I think, if I do this, I will find something that will inspire me to make next move to what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I am happy for those people who find what they love, the ones that wake up and love what they are doing for a living. I hope one day, I can get to experience that. Perhaps, putting school on hold and putting myself out there will lead me to something I’d love to do for good.