After a break up, it's completely normally to miss him. You're going to hurt when you see his first Instagram picture without you. You're going to wish you knew what he was doing when it's 2 A.M and you're lonely.
Missing someone you really cared about is normal, but just because you miss him does not mean you need him. The pain will subside... eventually. It may take weeks and sometimes even months, but don't feel guilty for missing someone who was once such a big part of your life. Keep yourself busy. Go workout, go shop. Don't sit in the house and stalk his Facebook because you know damn well he isn't even glancing at yours.
Missing him doesn't make you weak, but texting him after he treated you poorly does.
You deserve better than him. You are strong.
You are independent.
You deserve the best. So the next time you miss him, remind yourself that you don't need someone who doesn't want you.
When you do cave in and call him, its okay. It's all about learning from your mistakes, not consistently making them.
You can miss him without letting him know.
Text your best friends.
Snapchat that cute boy.
Go have dinner with your grandparents.
Heartbreak is normal, letting someone take advantage of you isn't.
There is a world outside of him. Go explore it.