If you are reading this it's probably for one of three reasons. Maybe you're one of the people that have accused me of leading you on. Maybe you've been accused of being lead on due to niceness and can easily relate, Or maybe you're just curious about what I have to say. I will begin by starting with a scenario I go through way too often.
I meet a boy through a job or a class. For a variety of reasons, we end up exchanging contact information and occasionally talk or hang out maybe sometimes in group settings or maybe sometimes just us. I am nice to this boy because I would never wish to be the reason someone is unhappy, and also my parents raised me to be kind to everyone. This boy develops a crush on me and asks about a date. I do not want the poor guy to get the wrong idea, so I respectfully decline.
Maybe I explain that I'm not interested in a relationship at the moment or maybe I just leave it at that and hope it doesn't come up again. Or maybe I don't realize that what he is asking about is a date-like situation, and I agree to hang out because I like who he is as a person and enjoy being friends with him. If I ignore the guy because I know he won't take no for an answer, he gets angry at me.
If I'm honest from the beginning, he gets angry and somehow twists it around that I assumed he wanted to date me. If I don't realize that he's hitting on me and then once he does start showing a noticeable amount of interest in me I decline, then I get accused of leading him on. Regardless of which option I choose, I become the bad guy when he decides that he wants to pursue a relationship and I don't. Sound familiar to anyone?
For many people, this type of scenario happens far too frequently. It is probably the most frustrating of situations that we go through as we meet new people. And while I hate being rude, I think it is time that some of you were told something you should have a long time ago.
You are not entitled to a date with me just because I am friendly to you. You certainly are not entitled to a date with me because you helped me out when I reached out to friends for help.
If I have a friend, guy or girl, that asks for help and I am able to do so I'm going to do help without any hesitation. I always thought that was just part of being a good friend. I would do it for my friends and sorry I expect my friends to do the same for me without making a big deal about it. And no, just because I'm being nice to you does not mean that I am leading you on. My kindness simply means that I am a decent human being.