Post grad life isn’t what you think it would be. Ever since I proudly walked across the stage and raised my degree up high with triumph, I’ve been stuck. All I’ve been hearing since I graduated is how many of my other classmates are moving to the Big Apple and are pursuing amazing careers with wonderful companies, while I’m on my couch watching episodes of House and binge eating ice cream.
I didn’t get an amazing job and I’m not moving to New York and living out my childhood dream. Scrolling through social media, I am jealous that so many of my former classmates are “living the dream” and I can barely find a decent job. Some days I can barely get out of bed because I have post grad guilt, you could say, about my major and my degree and what exactly I want to do with the rest of my life. I’ve been starting to wonder if I picked the right major and if I wasted all this time getting one degree when I should have been pursuing another.
But then I realized something: I don’t want to be like everyone else.
I don’t want to get the same job as my classmates and follow in their footsteps. Sure, it would have been nice to intern in New York City for a summer but let’s be realistic--only the students who have rich parents were able to afford that. Maybe there was some way to be able to live there for a summer, but I didn't learn about those opportunities until it was too late.
Maybe there is a reason for all of this.
Just because I’m not copying every one of my former classmates and moving off to New York City the second I graduate doesn’t mean I’m never going to end up there. Maybe I need to find myself here, at home, before I pursue a life there. Maybe there is a reason to all of this and I just need to uncover it.
If you think about it, going to New York City without any goals or passion to become someone is a bit pointless.
Post grad life is rough, but just because I’m suffering now doesn’t mean I’m going to be suffering the rest of my life. Just because it takes me longer to achieve a goal doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. I may do things differently, but it’s my path, my life and there aren't any rules or guidelines. One day I’m going to take the world by storm. It may not be today or tomorrow, but it’s going to happen when I choose it to happen. Just because my path is different than yours doesn’t mean I’m lost. I’m going my own way.