Food For Thought If You Believe That COVID-19 Is "Just Another Flu" | The Odyssey Online
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Food For Thought If You Believe That COVID-19 Is "Just Another Flu"

By breaking travel bans, you are enabling the spread of the virus.

Food For Thought If You Believe That COVID-19 Is "Just Another Flu"

Earlier today, President Trump held another COVID-19 (coronavirus) briefing about the future of how America will proceed to deal with this unfortunate pandemic that has taken the lives of over 7,000 people. He said that this could blow over in July or early August, prompting Twitter to do what it does best in times of distress; joke to avoid letting the fear and panic set in.

The timing of this virus is awful. Students are rejoicing in their "coronacation" when this isn't a time to lounge by the pool. Many college students extended their spring breaks that they were already on - if you are this student, please stop. Right now, Clearwater Beach in Florida is packed with spring breakers and tourists against the government's wishes to not be in groups of more than 10 people.

America has had its fair share of pandemics since 1918 with the first H1N1 virus. Given that society has advanced both technologically and medically, people are not taking COVID-19 seriously. Too many people are treating this like another flu, it'll flare up and go away, but that's not our reality right now. That's not the reality for many of the working class either. People are panic buying, which is causing those who actually need toiletries to survive to lack a basic need.

It is the first time for many Americans that the idea of Martial Law could be enacted and it's a scary thought. It's an even more terrifying thought for the working and lower class - Martial Law means no work, which means no source of income, which means no food, water, or toiletries for almost 50% of Americans. At-risk children are being forced away from their schools, which can be a sanctuary for them if they come from a home of poverty or domestic abuse. Teachers, who are already underpaid, are being told, "this is a break from the kids, you should be glad," when it's a nightmare for them. People who are travel-based workers can no longer work. COVID-19 is taking a lot from people, but "it's just another flu."

Many people who experienced the pandemic first hand in Italy are coming forward and saying that they were selfish and didn't listen to their government about self-distancing - look at what's happened since then. The virus has been mitigated, but they were ignorant and said, "It's just another flu." They continued to travel and explore the world like it was another day, and this is now the reality that many were not prepared for.

I can't go see my grandmother in the nursing home. I can't see my brother, who lives in another state. I can't go to work. I'm having to quickly change my learning and study habits to conform to my school's transition to online courses. I was not prepared for this. My friends and family weren't prepared. It's a tragedy.

But to shed some good for the critics and cynics in the comments, there are actual facts about the virus that not many people are listening to. The panic is a result of Italy's failure to heed their government's warning, so we need to learn from them. Like President Reagan said, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." In this instance, we need to listen to our government and social-distance and self-quarantine for the allotted time to prevent this pandemic from becoming worse.

So no, it's not just another flu.

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