I love politics. Elections, speeches, and campaign stop always seem to spark my interest, and this year's presidential race has been no different. From the beginning, the election had the makings of one of the most entertaining ever: an old Jewish guy with a funny accent, a white woman who thinks she's as black as her husband, an egotistical and self-absorbed businessman with no real experience or class, and a guy who read Dr. Seuss to a chamber full of congressmen.
But instead, this election sucks for a plethora of reasons. First of all, the election has enabled our generation to do what it does best: go overboard on Facebook. If my newsfeed is any indication, everyone between the ages of 18 and 25 got together, drank some cold-pressed kale/cardboard infusion, and decided that everything about the election had to be liked, commented on, and shared, and that anyone who didn't conform would be presented as a fool and a scrub. Because of my own peers, now I hate both this election and dank memes. Thanks a lot, dickheads.
Second of all, the four candidates all suck. I don't count John Kasich because I'm pretty sure even he knows he doesn't have a chance, but I digress. Here are reasons why each one is terrible:
1. Bernie seems like a nice guy, but he wants to expand the scope of the federal government, which I can't stand behind.
2. Cruz constantly looks like he just farted and isn't quite sure whether he sh*t himself or not.
3. Trump has no experience and also seems to be running because he has "f*ck you" money and loves himself, not because he has what it takes.
4. For a while, Hillary wasn't even her own husband's first choice.
This is my first presidential election, and I should be super excited for it. Instead, I can't wait until it's over. At this point, we're subjected to the same crap over and over again: Bernie hates rich people, Hillary loves black people, Cruz hates transgender people, and Trump hates Mexican and Muslim people. There is nothing else on the news. It seems this election sucks partially because we've turned each candidate into a caricature of themselves, and now that's all we see. Whether it's that or not doesn't matter to me, though, because if I see one more video of Hillary Clinton trying to do another dance popular on black Twitter, I might lose it.