I found these great Tweets by an unknown person I don’t know at all and I think more people should like and RT these Tweets.
Disclaimer: This article is for completely unselfish purposes. I'm just trying to spread awareness about this person I do not know who should really be Twitter famous.
At first you might judge this person because their pinned tweet only has 11 likes, but don’t be mistaken - this tweet should be nominated for all the Emmy’s Evan Peters isn’t winning because he’s being underutilized.
Again, I do not know this person.
Love this spooky thought 10/10.
Pros of this tweet:
1. Reminds you to vote on California’s ballot measures
2. Reminds you of the best candy in the world
3. Encourages the proper pronunciation of “Reese’s,” which is clearly “REE-siz” judging by the fact that: A) “Reese” is a name that has a standard pronunciation and “Reese’s” is the possessive form of Reese's and 2) it apparently rhymes with “pieces,” considering the subgroup of Reese’s entitled “Reese’s Pieces.”
Cons: There are none everyone should RT
I have never met this person but they are so relatable. Family style restaurants bring together all of the worst things about eating: people touching your food; people choosing food you don’t want but making you pay for it anyway; people choosing a few plates you do want but you not getting to eat very much of it; people eating all of the vegetarian food even if they are not vegetarian and you are.
I could go on for hours but I feel like family style restaurants don’t deserve this publicity.
This is hilarious and clearly not me because I would never do something like write a pseudo-intellectual article about “Closer” or an article that might lowkey cyberbully the people who are cyberbullying UC Berkeley on Facebook. What kind of idiot would do something like that when they could be writing about actual current events? That would be downright irresponsible.
In conclusion, I have no idea who this chicken nugget is but you should really follow them on Twitter @bmariewylder!