Review of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom | The Odyssey Online
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An Exclusive Review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

A review of the new movie, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, based on my early viewing.

An Exclusive Review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Universal Pictures

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I was one of the privileged few who were able to see Jurassic World the day before it was released to the rest of the world. I am a huge fan of the Jurassic Park franchise so I am always ready to see the new movies ASAP. The movie is a bit over two hours long and features the characters that we know and love from the first Jurassic World like Owen and Claire.

There are some older characters that made an appearance in one way or another like Dr. Malcolm, Mr. Hammond, and Mr. Lockhart. Something that I did love about this movie, and it was kind of the underlying theme, was that it addressed some relevant and important issues.

From the trailer you can see that the volcano on the island is going to erupt so people around the world are either for or against saving the dinosaurs on the island. Dr. Malcolm is first seen in a court room testifying to the government that the dinosaurs should not be saved.

After all, these creatures were dead, extinct even, and then two men decided that they belong back in this world. These animals should not even be here so why should they be saved... or do they have the same rights as other animals from todays world? This was a huge issue that the movie was based off of and I think that this was an important thing to bring up just because science is so advanced that people are so close to recreating dinosaurs in the real world so this could be a problem that we face in ten years time.

Another important issue that the movie addressed was cloning. Mr. Lockhart, one of the creators of the original Jurassic Park, is introduced in his huge mansion and his granddaughter was slightly talked about and seen a few times. You can start to see that something is up when he continues to look at pictures of his daughter but wont let his granddaughter look at them.

Later it is revealed that his daughter died in a car crash and much later on it is revealed that his granddaughter is actually a clone of his daughter. In the moment, I am sure that it made sense to him since the money and technology available but I am not sure that the consequences were considered.

Science is advanced enough that we can clone animals and there is a huge debate of rather it is okay to clone human beings. This movie addressed that in a very light way. In the end, after she finds out, she releases the dinosaurs into the American forest behind her house because she said that they were like her meaning a clone.

Now, the whole movie was not about controversial issues, and it was amazing. The special effects were outstanding and the script was just as good. There was nothing too cheesy or awkward about the movie and I could even say that it was as good as the first one. Fallen Kingdom brought out the side of Claire that cared for the animals for more than just the money or entertainment purposes. I love dinosaurs and this movie was more about them than any of the previous ones.

Lets throw it back to the movie before this one; do you remember Blue? Yea, that raptor. Well, she survived the ending battle and made it into the second movie and let me tell you that that dinosaur will NEVER die. She is a bad ass. Blue is not afraid to fight something that is so much bigger than her and I don't think that it would matter because she would win anyways.

The end of the movie featured a fight between the newly made IndoRaptor and Blue where Blue came out on top of course. In the end of the movie we see her run away into the forest and then later see her in the desert where she stands on a cliff overlooking a neighborhood. This portion of the ending and the fact that they showed dinosaurs that were auctioned off being shipped to their new owners gives me hope for another movie.

Lastly, like I said before, I love dinosaurs. I also love movies that are a bit creepy and might have a bit of cynical side and this movie was so satisfying. At one point, the IndoRaptor is released into the mansion of Mr. Lockhart and he is chasing our hero's around. Maisie, the granddaughter, makes her way to her room and locks the door, but the new raptor is on the roof and climbs through her balcony window.

There is a science after that shows her quivering in bed while a huge, black, gangly claw comes at her. The fact that the new raptor is so crazy smart and whatnot was just so amazing. It was great to see what the producers of the movie could come up with. There was a part where I almost cried. Now, you cant save all of the dinosaurs that were on the island and as a ship is sailing away with some captured dinosaurs, you can see one brachiosaurus on the sore being engulfed by ash and flames as she cries out and that really got me.

This movie was amazing in every aspect and the fact that I got to see it early was even better. In all, I would 100% see this a thousand more times. This movie was put together so well and was just outstanding in all aspects. I encourage anyone reading this to go see it too.

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