Junior year of college is when you start to realize that you have to get yourself prepared for the real world. This year is also when I realized how I've made it to this point in my life so far. I can sum it up in two words: my parents. Don't be like me and take this long to realize that if it weren't for your parents you wouldn't be where you are.
This part is for you, Mom and Dad, and for every parent who has done the same.
Thank you for raising me in a good home where you pushed me to be my best and to never be a quitter. This has allowed me to work through the rough times. I mean let's be honest, college is hard and who hasn't thought about dropping out?
Thank you for being at every single sporting event, school function or nervous breakdown. Because of this I know what it's like to have a support system that will be with me through every step in life.
Thank you for loving me when I didn't even love myself. We all go through weird stages where we're trying to find who we are or trying to be someone we're not. And not one time did y'all ever stop loving me. You loved me through the tomboy stage, the teenage stage and now the transformation into adult stage.
Thank you for being the two most selfless people I know. Since the day I was born you two put my needs and (sometimes stupid) wants before yours. I realize just how much you've both sacrificed for me from the time I was playing softball every single weekend of my childhood to now, in my third year of college. Thank you for the sacrifices you've made and the opportunities you have given up for me. The amount of time, love, finances and worry you have given to me the past 20 years can never be repaid. This thank you can't come close to the affirmation you deserve but I hope you now realize how appreciative I am for the both of you.
Thank you for staying up until 2 a.m. in the morning wondering about me while I'm at college then having to get up a 5 a.m. to go to work. Thank you for texting me each day just to tell me you love me. Thank you for being the parents who like to know I made it somewhere safely. Thank you for being the best role models that every person needs in their life.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for being my parents.