I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that college is hard. The classes are harder than high school, meeting new people is often stressful and living away from home is a big adjustment. Then, junior year hits, and every assignment, test and essay matters. Now, you have decided on a major and all the classes are upper level. The "real world" is slowly approaching and "adulting" becomes a daily task. My junior year taught me a lot of things, and I can't think of a better show to describe it than "New Girl":
When someone asks you how your midterms/finals/essay went:
When someone has perfect grades, an exciting social life and is the president of 47 organizations on campus:
When your roommates start fighting about who didn’t wash their dishes:
When you see teenagers and secretly envy their virtually stress free lives:
When you manage to meet every deadline and even start assignments early:
Sometimes, I would even make a dentist appointment for myself.
When you realize you’re never going to live with your parents again, and you have to pay bills now:
When you get paid and can finally buy food:
The face everyone gives you when you tell them that you're an English major:
Yes, I will get a job when I graduate. No, I'm not teaching.
Even though junior year was challenging, it taught me a lot about myself and living on my own. Bring on senior year!