What We Can Learn From "The Jungle Book" | The Odyssey Online
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What We Can Learn From "The Jungle Book"

A remake of Disney's classic teaches us an important lesson.

What We Can Learn From "The Jungle Book"

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I knew it was something I had to see in theaters. As a kid, I always enjoyed this story, so I was looking forward to seeing how this live-action adaptation would compare to the 1967 animated film and the chapters of Rudyard Kipling's book, which feature Mowgli's adventures.

The review

The overall visual experience of "The Jungle Book" was wonderful. It is slightly ironic that Disney would decide to make a live-action adaptation of a film whose characters are mainly talking animals; however, the CGI creatures were well-created and fairly convinced me that they were alive. The backgrounds of the movie were beautiful. By depicting the jungle as a shadowy and ominous setting, this movie more closely reflects the darker tone of Kipling's stories.

With a great group of actors that brings life to the animals through their voices, “The Jungle Book” is sure to draw in a large audience. Bill Murray gives the lively and comical bear, Baloo, a voice that matches his personality, and Ben Kingsley’s voice is perfect for the fatherly and slightly sarcastic black panther, Bagheera. Idris Elba, Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johansson all provide sinister and brooding voices for the antagonists of the film, while Lupita Nyong’o’s voice greatly adds to Raksha’s gentle yet protective motherly figure. However, the real star of the film is Neel Sethi, who plays Mowgli as the only major live actor of this movie. For a debut performance, Sethi does an amazing job of convincing us that he is interacting with real animals and trudging through a wild jungle. It’s a performance that Sethi can definitely be proud of.

Despite the visual effects and cast, the overall plot of the movie was just OK. The movie incorporates many aspects of Kipling's story, and director Jon Favreau includes some of the most beloved songs and the opening soundtrack of the 1967 film. However, there were several points in the movie where the plot could have moved along faster. Overall, I would give this movie a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The lesson

We see all kinds of animals throughout the movie, and as you watch the film you can see a particular commonality between almost all the creatures. Whether it's King Louie and his band of monkeys or the family of elephants that march through the jungle, all the animals have a group to which they belong. With the exception of Shere Khan and Kaa, all animals are part of a community. Even Baloo, the only bear, and Bagheera, the only panther, have a group of friends.

In the wolves' loyalty to protect Mowgli with the strength of the pack or through Bagheera's stress to find Mowgli "a people," we can observe that the importance of community is a major theme of this story. "For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." Our friends and family are essential. They protect us, tell us what's best and love us.

Through masterful artwork and beloved characters, "The Jungle Book" reminds us that we all need community. It's what gives us a sense of belonging in the jungle of society.

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